本文介绍了Aptana 插件使 Eclipse 崩溃的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 Ubuntu 11.04 笔记本电脑上使用 Eclipse EE Indigo.我使用 Sun JDK.当我使用帮助/安装新软件安装 aptana 插件,然后通过粘贴安装 aptana 时

I use Eclipse EE Indigo on a Ubuntu 11.04 laptop. I use the Sun JDK. When I installed the aptana plugin using help/install new software and then installed aptana by pasting


进入使用"字段,它安装得很好,然后提示我重新启动 Eclipse.现在,我根本无法再启动 Eclipse.它打开但崩溃了,似乎是在尝试启动 aptana 插件时.

into the "work with" field, it installed just fine and then prompted me to restart Eclipse. Now, I cannot start Eclipse anymore at all. It opens but crashes, seemingly when trying to initiate the aptana plugin.

这对我来说是个大问题,因为我的 Eclipse 已经非常定制了,我需要能够工作.我无法在网上找到有关如何解决此问题的任何信息.任何帮助将不胜感激.

This is a major problem for me because my Eclipse was already very customized and I need to be able to work. I haven't been able to find any info on how to solve this issue on the web. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

我注意到就在 Eclipse 崩溃之前,来自 Aptana 插件的这条消息打印在控制台中:aptana javascript scripting console started

I noticed that right before Eclipse crashes, this message from the Aptana plugin is printed in the console: aptana javascript scripting console started


我找到了一个紧急修复,让我可以再次开始使用 Eclipse.这是非常直率的,而不是您期望的处理此类问题的方式,唉,看来至少我的 Eclipse 已启动并再次运行.

I found an emergency fix that allowed me to start using Eclipse again. It is very blunt and NOT the way you'd expect to deal with problems like this, alas, it seems at least my Eclipse is up and running again.

因为 Eclipse 在启动后不久就崩溃了,所以无法卸载导致它崩溃的插件.我所做的是以下内容:

Because Eclipse crashed very shortly after having started up, it was impossible to uninstall the plugin that crashed it. What I did was the following:

  • 确保 Eclipse 没有运行.
  • 制作 Eclipse 文件夹的备份副本.
  • 导航到终端中的文件夹

  • Make sure Eclipse is not running.
  • Make a backup copy of the Eclipse folder.
  • Navigate to the folder in the terminal


find . -name *aptana* -exec rm -rf {} \;

请注意,这对我有用,因为我是所有者并且拥有在我的 Eclipse 文件夹中执行此操作所需的权限.如果您不是 Eclipse 文件夹的所有者,或者您缺乏某些权限,则您可能需要在命令的其余部分之前插入 sudo 才能使其工作.

Note that this works for me because I am the owner and have the necessary permissions to perform this operation in my Eclipse folder. If you are not the owner of the Eclipse folder, or if you lack some permissions, chances are you may have to insert sudo before the rest of the command in order for it to work.

此命令将在当前文件夹和所有子文件夹中搜索名称中包含字符串 aptana 的所有文件和文件夹,并将其全部删除.

This command will search the current folder and all subfolders for any files and folders that has the string aptana in their names, and delete all of them.

  • 执行

find . -name *aptana*

在终端中确认没有任何东西.运行此命令时应该没有结果.如果你得到一些结果,那么所有 aptana 文件和文件夹仍然没有被删除.

in terminal to confirm that there is nothing left. There should be no results when running this command. If you get some results, then all aptana files and folders have still not been deleted.

  • 如果前面的命令没有结果,启动 Eclipse.

  • Should the previous command leave no results, start Eclipse.


Go to Help/Install new software and then click What is already installed?

选择 Aptana 插件并按卸载.

Select the Aptana plugin and press uninstall.

根据提示重启 Eclipse.

Restart Eclipse when prompted to do so.

Eclipse 现在应该可以像安装 Aptana 之前一样工作.至少我的 Eclipse 似乎是这样做的.

Eclipse should now work just like before you installed Aptana. At least my Eclipse seems to do so.

这篇关于Aptana 插件使 Eclipse 崩溃的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 23:11