

我使用软件包remote_ikernel从azure VM自动连接到azure VM.这两个系统是相同的,也就是说,它们具有相同的python环境.

I use the package remote_ikernel to automatically connect to an azure VM from an azure VM. The two systems are identical, that is, they have the same python environments.


ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no {username}@{ip} sudo /anaconda/envs/py36/bin/ipython kernel


And then update my local kernel.json by filling the parameters in the script below.

    "argv": [
        "/anaconda/envs/{remote_python}/bin/ipython kernel -f {{host_connection_file}}",
    "display_name": "SSH {username}@{kernel_name}",
    "remote_ikernel_argv": [
        "--kernel_cmd=/anaconda/envs/{remote_python}/bin/ipython kernel -f {{connection_file}}",
        "--name=Remote VM",


First attemptHowever, we don't want to use the remote /anaconda/envs/py35/bin/python but its py36 brother. I hoped to solve that by adjusting it in the 1st command, but that doesn't solve it. It also didn't help to change any of the py35 in the kernel.json. How can we achieve that?

第二次尝试(编辑)我修改了kernel.json以包含指向py36环境的指针.请参阅上面的更新版本.下面的日志看起来不错,但是import sys; sys.executable仍显示py35版本.

Second attempt (edit)I adapted the kernel.json to include the pointer to the py36 environment. See the updated version above. The log below looks fine, but import sys; sys.executable still shows the py35 version.

[I 11:54:57.549 remote_ikernel] Launching kernel over SSH.
[I 11:54:57.549 remote_ikernel] Login command: 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no  username@ip'.
[I 11:54:57.889 remote_ikernel] Established connection; starting kernel.
[I 11:54:57.889 remote_ikernel] Current working directory /data/projects/...
[I 11:54:58.040 remote_ikernel] Running kernel command: '/anaconda/envs/py36/bin/ipython kernel -f ./rik_kernel-40d44e0d-4dac-4939-b018-74f4c82b6855.json'.
[I 11:54:59.357 NotebookApp] Adapting to protocol v5.1 for kernel 40d44e0d-4dac-4939-b018-74f4c82b6855
[I 11:54:59.358 NotebookApp] Restoring connection for 40d44e0d-4dac-4939-b018-74f4c82b6855:d877b8cff59245bf9ca5811d9310ee7f
[I 11:54:59.358 NotebookApp] Replaying 7 buffered messages
[I 11:55:28.382 remote_ikernel] Setting up tunnels on ports: 57033, 45674, 57305, 38105, 56085.


  "shell_port": 45674,
  "iopub_port": 57305,
  "stdin_port": 38105,
  "control_port": 56085,
  "hb_port": 57033,
  "ip": "",
  "key": "9e336436-...",
  "transport": "tcp",
  "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256",
  "kernel_name": ""



Not sure if it's still relevant but just in case:
Use the --remote-precmd option when adding your kernel.
According to the docs:


You can use this option to activate your needed env:

--remote-precmd=source %PathToVenv%/Scripts/activate

我正在使用它,它可与remote_ikernel v0.4.6一起使用,而我的遥控器是Windows10.

I'm using it and it works with remote_ikernel v0.4.6 and my remote is Windows 10.


For Windows, the command would be something like this:



08-19 23:10