



我正在尝试为项目构建搜索功能,该项目根据用户搜索输入缩小项目,如果它与针对项目列出的关键字匹配。为此,我将项目关键字保存在 data 属性中,并使用RegExp模式将查询与这些关键字匹配。

I'm trying to build a search feature for a project which narrows down items based on a user search input and if it matches the keywords listed against items. For this, I'm saving the item keywords in a data attribute and matching the query with these keywords using a RegExp pattern.


I'm currently using this expression, which I know is not correct and need your help on that:

new RegExp(' \\b('+ query +')','gi')))其中查询是 | 输入的查询的分隔值由用户(例如 \\b(肉|面食|晚餐))。即使只有一场比赛,这也会给我一个匹配,比如说 -

new RegExp('\\b(' + query + ')', 'gi'))) where query is | separated values of the query entered by the user (e.g. \\b(meat|pasta|dinner)). This returns me a match even if there is only 1 match, say for example - meat


Just to throw some context, here's a small example:

如果用户输入:肉意大利面晚餐它应该列出所有的项目所有列出的3个关键字,即 面食晚餐。这些与他们输入的顺序无关。

If a user types: meat pasta dinner it should list all items which have ALL the 3 keywords listed against them i.e. meat pasta and dinner. These are independent of the order they're typed in.


Can you help me with an expression which will match ALL words in a query, in any order?



You can achieve this will lookahead assertions


在Regexr上查看,确保 \ bmeat \ b 在字符串中的某个地方。其他关键字相同,。+ 实际上匹配整个字符串,但前提是断言为真。

(?=.*\bmeat\b) is a positive lookahead assertion, that ensures that \bmeat\b is somewhere in the string. Same for the other keywords and the .+ is then actually matching the whole string, but only if the assertions are true.


But it will match also on "dinner meat Foobar pasta"


08-19 22:57