

我有兴趣编写一些与Chrome兼容的脚本,但我发现很少有更新的教程介绍如何在编写用户脚本时真正开始。 现在已经五岁了,并且没有更新过。搜索教程充斥着垃圾点击,联盟博客链接和一般废话。 Greasemonkey的wiki几乎都是参考,并不是真正的这是一个很好的开始类文章。



  • 如何设置环境

  • 需要知道的基本技能

  • 常用示例

  • 最佳实践


  • 过去18个月内书面或更新




玩弄它,检查有效的代码。您可以成为编写更新的入门文档的人员); 同样对于Chrome,请查看。

I'm interested in writing some Chrome compatible Greasemonkey scripts, but I'm finding that there are few updated tutorials on how to really get started properly with writing userscripts. Dive Into Greasemonkey by Mark Pilgrim is five years old now and hasn't been updated. Searches for tutorials are rife with garbage hits, affiliate blog links and general nonsense. The wiki for Greasemonkey is nearly all reference, not really a "this is a good place to start" kind of article.

Can you recommend a good, updated tutorial for getting started writing userscripts?

I define "good" as:

  • How to setup an environment
  • Basic skills required to know
  • Common use examples
  • Best practices

I define "updated" as:

  • Written or updated in the last 18 months


I am pretty sure there isn't a tutorial that meets all your requirements. Check out Jaxov's post for a start.

Anyway, Greasemonkey's not that hard once you know JavaScript; even though Greasemonkey on Chrome can be a bit of a pain.

Play around with it; examine code that works. You could be the one to write the updated "Getting Started" documentation ;)

Also for Chrome, check out Tampermonkey.


08-19 22:52