I use boost to create a websocket server. Because we need ws and wss, two versions, so I write code like below.But when I build it, said "error C2338: Unknown Socket type in async_teardown."
文件1 iSession.h'''
file 1 iSession.h'''
// Created by p00451414 on 2019/5/14.
#pragma once
#include "stdfax.h"
template<typename T>
class iSession :public std::enable_shared_from_this <iSession<T>> {
iSession(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket, boost::asio::ssl::context&);*/
iSession() {
ws_ = NULL;
strand_ = NULL;
buffer_ = new boost::beast::multi_buffer();
~iSession() {
delete buffer_;
buffer_ = NULL;
delete strand_;
strand_ = NULL;
delete ws_;
ws_ = NULL;
boost::beast::websocket::stream<T> *ws_=NULL;
boost::asio::strand<boost::asio::io_context::executor_type> *strand_=NULL;
boost::beast::multi_buffer *buffer_=NULL;
void virtual run() = 0;
void process() {
auto sp = shared_from_this();
ws_->async_read(*buffer_, boost::asio::bind_executor(*strand_, [&, sp](boost::system::error_code ec2,
std::size_t bytes_transferred2) {
if (ec2) {
// fail(ec, "read");
if (ec2 == boost::beast::websocket::error::closed) {
ws_->async_write(buffer_->data(), boost::asio::bind_executor(*strand_, [&, sp](boost::system::error_code ec3,
std::size_t bytes_transferred3) {
if (ec3) {
// return fail(ec, "write");
// Clear the buffer
file2 NormalSession.h'''
file2 NormalSession.h'''
// Created by p00451414 on 2019/5/14.
#include "iSession.h"
class NormalSession : public iSession<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> {
void run();
文件3 SslSession.h'''
file 3 SslSession.h'''
// Created by p00451414 on 2019/5/14.
#include <memory>
#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include "iSession.h"
class SslSession : public iSession<boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket&>> {
SslSession(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket, boost::asio::ssl::context &);
void on_handshake(boost::system::error_code);
//void on_accept(boost::system::error_code);
//void do_read();
//void on_read(boost::system::error_code, std::size_t);
//void on_write(boost::system::error_code, std::size_t);
void run();
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket* socket_;
I guess it's becuuse my SslSession with T1 template.Because my class NormalSession could run when SslSession commented.
So how to fix this error and how to use template within template?
F:\ boost_1_69_0 \ boost_1_69_0 \ boost/beast/websocket/teardown.hpp(103):错误C2338:async_teardown中的套接字类型未知.F:\ boost_1_69_0 \ boost_1_69_0 \ boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(680):注意: :mutable_buffers_type,boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: read_op> :: process ::,boost :: asio :: strand >>>>(boost :: beast :: websocket :: role_type,Socket& ;, TeardownHandler&)"的引用 和 [ NextLayer = boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, DynamicBuffer = boost :: beast :: multi_buffer, 套接字= boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, TeardownHandler = boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream,true> :: read_some_op> :: mutable_buffers_type,boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream,true> :: read_op> :: process ::,boost :: asio ::股>>> ]F:\ boost_1_69_0 \ boost_1_69_0 \ boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(173):注意:编译类模板成员函数"void boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: read_some_op> :: mutable_buffers_type,boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: read_op :: process ::,boost :: asio :: strand >>> :: operator()(boost :: beast :: error_code,size_t,bool)时 和 [ T = boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, DynamicBuffer = boost :: beast :: multi_buffer ]F:\ boost_1_69_0 \ boost_1_69_0 \ boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(821):注意:对正在编译的函数模板实例化"void boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: read_some_op>: :mutable_buffers_type,boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: read_op :: process ::,boost :: asio :: strand >>> :: operator()(boost :: beast :: error_code,size_t,bool) "的引用 和 [ T = boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, DynamicBuffer = boost :: beast :: multi_buffer ]F:\ boost_1_69_0 \ boost_1_69_0 \ boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(821):注意:对正在编译的类模板实例化"boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: read_some_op> :: mutable_buffers_type,boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: read_op :: process ::,boost :: asio :: strand >>>的引用 和 [ T = boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, DynamicBuffer = boost :: beast :: multi_buffer ]F:\ boost_1_69_0 \ boost_1_69_0 \ boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(802):注意:编译类模板成员函数"void boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: read_op :: process :: ,, boost :: asio :: strand >> :: operator()(boost :: beast :: error_code,size_t)时 和 [ T = boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, DynamicBuffer = boost :: beast :: multi_buffer ]F:\ boost_1_69_0 \ boost_1_69_0 \ boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(899):注意:对正在编译的函数模板实例化"void boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: read_op ::: process ::,boost :: asio :: strand >> :: operator()(boost :: beast :: error_code,size_t)"的引用 和 [ T = boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, DynamicBuffer = boost :: beast :: multi_buffer ]F:\ boost_1_69_0 \ boost_1_69_0 \ boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(899):注意:对正在编译的类模板实例化::,boost :: asio :: strand >>的引用 和 [ T = boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, DynamicBuffer = boost :: beast :: multi_buffer ]f:\ msp \ esdk_icp \ source \ esdk_msp \ msp_s \ src \ websocket \ iSession.h(69):注意:参见对正在编译的函数模板实例化"void boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: async_read :: process ::,boost :: asio :: strand >>(DynamicBuffer&,ReadHandler&&))的引用 和 [ T = boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, DynamicBuffer = boost :: beast :: multi_buffer, ReadHandler = boost :: asio :: executor_binder> :: process ::,boost :: asio :: strand> ]f:\ msp \ esdk_icp \ source \ esdk_msp \ msp_s \ src \ websocket \ iSession.h(44):注意:参见对正在编译的函数模板实例化"void boost :: beast :: websocket :: stream :: async_read :: process ::,boost :: asio :: strand >>(DynamicBuffer&,ReadHandler&&))的引用 和 [ T = boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream, DynamicBuffer = boost :: beast :: multi_buffer, ReadHandler = boost :: asio :: executor_binder> :: process ::,boost :: asio :: strand> ]f:\ msp \ esdk_icp \ source \ esdk_msp \ msp_s \ src \ websocket \ iSession.h(41):注意:编译类模板成员函数"void iSession> :: process(void)"时F:\ MSP \ eSDK_ICP \ Source \ eSDK_MSP \ MSP_S \ src \ websocket \ SslSession.cpp(44):注意:f:\ msp \ esdk_icp \ source \ esdk_msp \ msp_s \ src \ websocket \ SslSession.h(16):注意:参见对正在编译的类模板实例化"iSession>"的引用F:\ boost_1_69_0 \ boost_1_69_0 \ boost/beast/core/string.hpp(103):注意:参见对正在编译的类模板实例化"boost :: basic_string_view>"的引用NMAKE:致命错误U1077:"D:\ VS2017 \ VC \ Tools \ MSVC \ 14.16.27023 \ bin \ Hostx64 \ x64 \ cl.exe":返回代码"0x2"停止.NMAKE:致命错误U1077:"D:\ VS2017 \ VC \ Tools \ MSVC \ 14.16.27023 \ bin \ Hostx64 \ x64 \ nmake.exe":返回代码"0x2"停止.NMAKE:致命错误U1077:"D:\ VS2017 \ VC \ Tools \ MSVC \ 14.16.27023 \ bin \ Hostx64 \ x64 \ nmake.exe":返回代码"0x2"停止.NMAKE:致命错误U1077:"D:\ VS2017 \ VC \ Tools \ MSVC \ 14.16.27023 \ bin \ Hostx64 \ x64 \ nmake.exe":返回代码"0x2"停止.
F:\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0\boost/beast/websocket/teardown.hpp(103): error C2338: Unknown Socket type in async_teardown.F:\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0\boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(680): note: 参见对正在编译的函数 模板 实例化"void boost::beast::websocket::async_teardown::read_some_op>::mutable_buffers_type,boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_op>::process::,boost::asio::strand>>>>(boost::beast::websocket::role_type,Socket &,TeardownHandler &&)"的引用 with [ NextLayer=boost::asio::ssl::stream, DynamicBuffer=boost::beast::multi_buffer, Socket=boost::asio::ssl::stream, TeardownHandler=boost::beast::websocket::stream,true>::read_some_op>::mutable_buffers_type,boost::beast::websocket::stream,true>::read_op>::process::,boost::asio::strand>>> ]F:\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0\boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(173): note: 编译 类 模板 成员函数 "void boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_some_op>::mutable_buffers_type,boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_op::process::,boost::asio::strand>>>::operator ()(boost::beast::error_code,size_t,bool)" 时 with [ T=boost::asio::ssl::stream, DynamicBuffer=boost::beast::multi_buffer ]F:\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0\boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(821): note: 参见对正在编译的函数 模板 实例化"void boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_some_op>::mutable_buffers_type,boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_op::process::,boost::asio::strand>>>::operator ()(boost::beast::error_code,size_t,bool)"的引用 with [ T=boost::asio::ssl::stream, DynamicBuffer=boost::beast::multi_buffer ]F:\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0\boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(821): note: 参见对正在编译的 类 模板 实例化 "boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_some_op>::mutable_buffers_type,boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_op::process::,boost::asio::strand>>>" 的引用 with [ T=boost::asio::ssl::stream, DynamicBuffer=boost::beast::multi_buffer ]F:\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0\boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(802): note: 编译 类 模板 成员函数 "void boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_op::process::,boost::asio::strand>>::operator ()(boost::beast::error_code,size_t)" 时 with [ T=boost::asio::ssl::stream, DynamicBuffer=boost::beast::multi_buffer ]F:\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0\boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(899): note: 参见对正在编译的函数 模板 实例化"void boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_op::process::,boost::asio::strand>>::operator ()(boost::beast::error_code,size_t)"的引用 with [ T=boost::asio::ssl::stream, DynamicBuffer=boost::beast::multi_buffer ]F:\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0\boost/beast/websocket/impl/read.ipp(899): note: 参见对正在编译的 类 模板 实例化 "boost::beast::websocket::stream::read_op::process::,boost::asio::strand>>" 的引用 with [ T=boost::asio::ssl::stream, DynamicBuffer=boost::beast::multi_buffer ]f:\msp\esdk_icp\source\esdk_msp\msp_s\src\websocket\iSession.h(69): note: 参见对正在编译的函数 模板 实例化"void boost::beast::websocket::stream::async_read::process::,boost::asio::strand>>(DynamicBuffer &,ReadHandler &&)"的引用 with [ T=boost::asio::ssl::stream, DynamicBuffer=boost::beast::multi_buffer, ReadHandler=boost::asio::executor_binder>::process::,boost::asio::strand> ]f:\msp\esdk_icp\source\esdk_msp\msp_s\src\websocket\iSession.h(44): note: 参见对正在编译的函数 模板 实例化"void boost::beast::websocket::stream::async_read::process::,boost::asio::strand>>(DynamicBuffer &,ReadHandler &&)"的引用 with [ T=boost::asio::ssl::stream, DynamicBuffer=boost::beast::multi_buffer, ReadHandler=boost::asio::executor_binder>::process::,boost::asio::strand> ]f:\msp\esdk_icp\source\esdk_msp\msp_s\src\websocket\iSession.h(41): note: 编译 类 模板 成员函数 "void iSession>::process(void)" 时F:\MSP\eSDK_ICP\Source\eSDK_MSP\MSP_S\src\websocket\SslSession.cpp(44): note: 参见对正在编译的函数 模板 实例化"void iSession>::process(void)"的引用f:\msp\esdk_icp\source\esdk_msp\msp_s\src\websocket\SslSession.h(16): note: 参见对正在编译的 类 模板 实例化 "iSession>" 的引用F:\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0\boost/beast/core/string.hpp(103): note: 参见对正在编译的 类 模板 实例化 "boost::basic_string_view>" 的引用NMAKE : fatal error U1077: "D:\VS2017\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe": 返回代码"0x2"Stop.NMAKE : fatal error U1077: "D:\VS2017\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\Hostx64\x64\nmake.exe": 返回代码"0x2"Stop.NMAKE : fatal error U1077: "D:\VS2017\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\Hostx64\x64\nmake.exe": 返回代码"0x2"Stop.NMAKE : fatal error U1077: "D:\VS2017\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\Hostx64\x64\nmake.exe": 返回代码"0x2"Stop.
理解它,在阅读源代码之后,我阅读了teardown.hpp中的注释,忘记了包含#include <boost/beast/websocket/ssl.hpp>
Got it ,after read the source code, I read the comments in teardown.hpp, I forget include #include <boost/beast/websocket/ssl.hpp>
这篇关于如何在C ++ 11的模板中使用模板?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!