



import os
import rarfile

file = input("Password List Directory: ")
rarFile = input("Rar File: ")

passwordList = open(os.path.dirname(file+'.txt'),"r")


with this code I am getting the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Nick     L\Desktop\Programming\PythonProgramming\RarCracker.py", line 7, in <module>
    passwordList = open(os.path.dirname(file+'.txt'),"r")
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Users\\Nick L\\Desktop'


This is weird because I have full permission to this file as I can edit it and do whatever I want, and I am only trying to read it. Every other question I read on stackoverflow was regarding writing to a file and getting a permissions error.


由于要调用 dirname ,因此您试图打开一个目录,而不是一个文件.在这一行:

You're trying to open a directory, not a file, because of the call to dirname on this line:

passwordList = open(os.path.dirname(file+'.txt'),"r")


To open the file instead of the directory containing it, you want something like:

passwordList = open(file + '.txt', 'r')

或者更好的方法是,使用 with 构造来确保在处理完文件后将其关闭.

Or better yet, use the with construct to guarantee that the file is closed after you're done with it.

with open(file + '.txt', 'r') as passwordList:
    # Use passwordList here.

# passwordList has now been closed for you.

在Linux上,尝试打开目录会在Python 3.5中引发 IsADirectoryError ,在Python 3.1中会引发 IOError :

On Linux, trying to open a directory raises an IsADirectoryError in Python 3.5, and an IOError in Python 3.1:

我没有Windows盒子可以对此进行测试,但是根据 Daoctor的注释,当您尝试打开目录时,至少有一个Windows版本会引发 PermissionError .

I don't have a Windows box to test this on, but according to Daoctor's comment, at least one version of Windows raises a PermissionError when you try to open a directory.

PS:我认为您应该信任用户自己输入自己的整个目录和文件名,而不必在其上附加'.txt'否则,您只需要询问目录,然后向其附加一个默认文件名即可(例如 os.path.join(directory,'passwords.txt')).

PS: I think you should either trust the user to enter the whole directory-and-file name him- or herself --- without you appending the '.txt' to it --- or you should ask for just the directory, and then append a default filename to it (like os.path.join(directory, 'passwords.txt')).

无论哪种方式,都要求先找到一个目录",然后将其存储在一个名为 file 的变量中,以免造成混淆,因此请选择其中一个.

Either way, asking for a "directory" and then storing it in a variable named file is guaranteed to be confusing, so pick one or the other.


08-19 21:34