




I've been working on a C-like grammar for my personal amusement. However, I've been running into shift/reduce conflicts, and I'm quite sure they could be resolved.


Right now my expressions look like this, in a simplified form, stripped of actions:

%left '+' '-'

 | expr '+' expr
 | expr '-' expr
 /* other operators like '*', '/', etc. */
 | expr '(' expr ')' /* function call */

但是,这导致移位/减少冲突:解析器不确定如何处理括号.从-v告诉我的情况来看,目前尚不清楚像expr '+' expr '('这样的表达式是否应将expr '+' expr简化为expr或移动括号.

However, this results in shift/reduce conflicts: the parser is unsure about how to treat parentheses. From what -v tells me, it is unclear whether an expression like expr '+' expr '(' should reduce expr '+' expr into expr or shift the parenthesis.

很显然,我希望括号被改变. foo % bar(4)不应以(foo % bar)(4)结尾.但是,使用%prec指令表示这种方法并没有成功.在规则后添加%left FUNCALL%prec FUNCALL不会产生任何变化.

Obviously, I want the parenthesis to be shifted. foo % bar(4) shouldn't end up being (foo % bar)(4). However, I've had no success using the %prec directive to that mean. Adding %left FUNCALL and %prec FUNCALL after the rule yields no change.


I know that the default path Bison's LALR parsers will go when encountering a shift/reduce will be to shift, and that I could just use %expect to work around the problem. However, one conflict is generated for each expression, and would I ever need to change that list, I'll also need to change the %expect declaration, which looks like a rather ugly solution to me. Besides, I'm sure one of you wise kids have a solution to that problem.


My goal is to have a rule similar to the one above, for which Bison will know that whenever it encounters the '(' from the function call rule, it has shift the parenthesis, without a possible shift/reduce conflict. For the record, my use of the %prec directive is the following, so if I'm just doing it wrong you can correct me. It does have the shift/reduce conflict.

%left '+' '-'


    : NUMBER
    | expr '+' expr
    | expr '-' expr
    /* other operators like '*', '/', etc. */
    | expr '(' expr ')' %prec FUNCALL /* function call */



您需要将%left '('添加到优先级规则中(或者%nonassoc '('可能更好).

You need to add %left '(' to your precedence rules (or %nonassoc '(' might be better).

优先级用于解决yacc/野牛中的移位/减少冲突的方式是将要减少的规则的优先级与 token 的优先级进行比较被转移.在您的示例中,冲突在于减小expr: expr '+' expr和移动'('之间,因此要解决此问题,您需要在'('上设置优先级(并且您希望它高于来自'+'的规则) )

The way that precedence works to resolve shift/reduce conflicts in yacc/bison is that it compares the precedence of the rule to be reduced with the precedence of the token to be shifted. In your example, the conflict is between reducing expr: expr '+' expr and shifting a '(', so to resolve it, you need a precedence on '(' (and you want it to be higher than the rule, which comes from '+')


The %prec directive just sets the precedence of a rule, overriding its default precedence which comes from the first token on its rhs. It doesn't affect the precedence of tokens that appear in the rule in any way.


08-19 21:15