




Ok so awhile back in testing I had a random crash with no error, and I have no clue why. So i went into analyze things and I came up with the following data.

似乎我的内存使用率越来越高,直到达到了末日.请注意,在开始时,总曲率的斜率如何变大,然后再变大. (您可能会注意到,这是我第一次进行此类事情的分析.)

As it would appear my memory usage is getting higher and higher and higher until it sorta plateus. Notice how at the beginning the slope of the general curvature is greater then later on. (as you might notice this is my first time going in and analyzing this sort of thing).


Now what happens in the game is that basically their are two screens.1. Menu: this screen has quite a few textures but does nothing except has button to play game2. Game: this has TOOONS of textures and has the bulk of the cpu usage because its the actual game.3. Death: This screen has one asset, and it is a button that allows you to replay the game. This should not be using much memory OR cpu. However it still has memory. To me this screams whatever a "memory leak" is, is going on.


If you will look at the chart basically what was going on in the game was the menu started, and the first spike was loading up the actual game, then I died. Then from then on I was switching between the Game and Death screens, each spike signals the Game scene being loaded.


If this data were the way I would predict it you would se an oscillation between a very small memory use for the death screen, and then a return to a game memory usage.


Moral of the story is I am pretty sure that sprite kit isn't properly cleaning up after switching scenes and I need to know why if possible.


Btw in order to switch scenes I am using the method made by maxkargin detailedhere

顺便说一句,我正在迅速使用Sprite Kit,SKScenes和SKSpriteNodes

BTW I am working in swift with sprite kit and SKScenes, and SKSpriteNodes




There is a few reasons why this is, I had a similar problem with my games. If you do it correctly there is no need to remove stuff such as textures. Removing textures on every scene changes is also not ideal, you want to keep them in memory for performance so they do not have to be reloaded each time.


Here is a basic checklist you can use to see if you create a memory leak.


1) Add the deinit method with a print statement to each scene/class. If deinit gets called your scene deallocated correctly.

 deinit {
    print("Deinit GameScene")


2) Are you creating strong reference cycles somewhere by creating references between 2 classes?


The classic Apple example of a strong reference cycle

 class Person {
    var dog: Dog?

 class Dog {
   var person: Person?


To fix it you would have to make 1 of those 2 properties weak

  class Person {
     var dog: Dog?

  class Dog {
     weak var person: Person?


Also good practice with optionals is to set them to nil when they are no longer needed.

 person = nil

也许可以查看google和Apple Swift文档以了解如何处理此问题.不久前我也问过类似的问题

Maybe check google and the Apple Swift documentation on how to deal with this. I also asked a similar question a while back

用于傻瓜的Swift SpriteKit ARC


3) Are you using closures? They can cause memory leaks.

SpriteKit中最常见的情况是这两个示例,它们可能/将导致内存泄漏,并使您的场景无法释放. (动作2是一个捕获自我的闭包)

A more common scenario in SpriteKit is these 2 examples which could/will cause a memory leak and makes your scene to not deallocate. (action 2 is a closure which captures self)

 // Example 1
 let action1 = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
 let action2 = SKAction.run(someMethod)
 let sequence = SKAction.sequence([action1, action2])

 // Example 2
 let action1 = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
 let action2 = SKAction.run {
 let sequence = SKAction.sequence([action1, action2])


A good rule of thumb is that when the compiler forces you to use self than you most likely will create a memory leak without using weak/unowned.


So to fix the above 2 SKAction examples you could either make sure you always remove all actions when you change scenes or IMO even better would be to change your code to this to avoid creating a memory leak in the first place.

 let action1 = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
 let action2 = SKAction.run { [weak self] in
 let sequence = SKAction.sequence([action1, action2])


Note in all those above example you could also write

 .... { [unowned self] in


and than you would not need to use the ? in the closure



When you use unowned you basically say self will never be nil which could cause a crash if it is actually nil when the closure is called. If you use weak self you tell the compiler self might become nil before the closure is called therefore self is an optional to avoid the crash.


I think it is almost always better to use "weak" instead of "unowned" to avoid this. In one of my games I was using unowned self in a closure that was called when it fetched StoreKit products from iTunes. This caused me subtile crashes because I could exit the SKScene before the closure was called. If you use weak self you will not crash because you use optionals.



08-19 20:38