我发现教程开发使用羽毛UI ActionScript手机应用程序,是否有可能用羽毛UI做的动作脚本的Web应用程序和桌面应用程序?
I found tutorials for developing Actionscript Mobile application using Feathers UI,Is it possible to do Actionscript web application and desktop application using Feathers UI?
当然。 重量轻,换肤,并为移动和桌面应用程序可扩展的UI控件。
Of course. "Light-weight, skinnable, and extensible UI controls for both mobile and desktop applications."
Feathers is for use with the Starling 2D framework, so you will need to have an understanding of how to use that.
虽然羽毛似乎或许更针对空中机动部署,它仍然可以被用来针对Flash Player和部署在网络上。
Whilst Feathers seems perhaps more targeted at AIR Mobile deployment, it can still be used to target Flash Player and deployed on the web.