


场地 - 来自venuesList xml节点

标题 - 来自titleList xml节点

事件 - 来自eventList xml节点



场地 - 具有venueID属性

- 场地名称

- 类别

- 场地地址

- disabledAccess

- 网站

标题 - 具有titleID属性

- 类别

- 网站

- 描述

活动 - 有titleID和sceneID属性

- eventName

- 场地ID

- titleID



- eventName

- venueName

- 类别

- 场地地址

- disabledAccess

- 网站

- 类别

- 网站

- d escription


I am trying to create a single events PHP array from 3 different arrays that are created from an xml file. The arrays I currently have are:

Venues - Comes from the venuesList xml node
Titles - Comes from the titleList xml node
Events - Comes from the eventList xml node

The eventList->event xml node has attributes for venueID and titleID. I subsequently need to create an array with events, merging the correct venue and title data with the correct event using the venueID and titleID attributes.

The information I am currently pulling in from each array is as follows:

Venues - has venueID attribute
- venueName
- categories
- venueAddress
- disabledAccess
- website

Titles - has titleID attribute
- categories
- website
- description

Events - has titleID and venueID attributes
- eventName
- venueID
- titleID

I require an array with the following:

Events Array
- eventName
- venueName
- categories
- venueAddress
- disabledAccess
- website
- categories
- website
- description

My code is as follows:

$value) { $i++;
    //if($i<2) {

    if($value==$date.'0822_ope_full.xml') {
        $xml=simplexml_load_file('ftp://southwark:jqA3%[email protected]/'.$value.'');

        // Venues
        echo "Venues";
        $venuesarray = array();
        foreach($xml->venueList->venue as $venue) {
            $venuearray = array();
            foreach($venue as $key => $value) {
                $venuearray[(string)$key] = (string)$value;
                $venuearray['venueID'] = (string)$venue['venueID'];
            $venuesarray['venueList'][] = $venuearray;

            echo 'Venue Name: '.$venue->venueName.'';
            echo 'Venue Address: '.$venue->venueAddress->streetName.', '.$venue->venueAddress->district.', '.$venue->venueAddress->town.', '.$venue->venueAddress->county.', '.$venue->venueAddress->postcode.'';
            echo 'Credit Card Tel: '.$venue->creditCardTel.'';
            echo 'Disabled Access: '.$venue->disabledAccess.'';
            echo 'Phone: '.$venue->phone->dialcode.' '.$venue->phone->phonenumber.'';
            echo 'Transport: '.$venue->venueTransport.'';
            echo 'Email: '.$venue->email.'';
            echo '';

        // Titles w/ Categories
        echo "Titles";
        $titlesarray = array();
        foreach($xml->titleList->title as $title) {
            $titlearray = array();
            foreach($title as $key => $value) {
                $titlearray[(string)$key] = (string)$value;
                $titlearray['titleID'] = (string)$title['titleID'];
            $titlesarray['titleList'][] = $titlearray;

            echo 'Title: '.$title->titleName.'';
            echo 'Categories: ';
            foreach ($title->categories->category as $cat) {
                echo $cat['name'].', ';
            } echo '';
            echo 'Website: '.$title->website.'';
            echo 'Description: '.$title->description['standard'].'';

            echo "";

        // Events
        echo "Events";
        $eventsarray = array();
        foreach($xml->eventList->event as $event) {
            $eventarray = array();

            foreach($event as $key => $value) {
                $eventarray[(string)$key] = (string)$value;
                $eventarray['eventID'] = (string)$event['eventID'];
                $eventarray['venueID'] = (string)$event['venueID'];
                $eventarray['titleID'] = (string)$event['titleID'];
            $eventsarray['eventList'][] = $eventarray;

            echo 'Event: '.$event->eventName.'';
            echo 'Title ID: '.$eventarray['titleID'].'';
            echo 'Venue ID: '.$eventarray['venueID'].'';

            echo "";


// close connection




What I have tried:

I have tried merging the arrays but this doesn't give me the required outcome



08-24 05:53