

本文介绍了Cordova或Phonegap Http请求和同源策略问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



As so many others I have the problem with a RESTful service we are calling.

这项服务和其他许多人一样都有ORIGIN检查。使用Cordova& Ionic执行来自Android应用程序的请求将原点设置为file://这对于浏览器cors检查有利但对服务不利,它们不允许此架构用于源。与其他人一样,只允许空原点或同一来源。

This service as so many others has an ORIGIN check. Using Cordova & Ionic doing the request from android app set the origin to file:// which is good for browser cors check but not good for the service, they doesn't allow this schema for origin. As others the allow only empty origin or the same origin.


On many posts I read the wrote you can handle this with whitelist plugin or with CSP. But I think this absolutly incorrect. With whitelist you can not work on the origin header and CSP has nothing to do with it.


So the last few days I spend hundreds of hours and googled and tested different solutions and different plugins. But the solution is not there and not simple.

我试图在Custom WebView上找到一个解决方案,我们可以从请求中获取Origin头,但这对我们来说很难。

At the moment I'm testing cordova plugins for http and websocket requests, to do native http and websocket calls, this is working great for the SOP problem but there are some problems with cookies.I tryied to found a solution on a Custom WebView where we can elimante the Origin header from request but this was to difficult for us.


Can someone help on this problem?


I'm not the only guy which has to call a SOP protected resource over the internet from a mobile hybrid app. Why there is no simple solution for it?



在这种情况下,你不是要调整服务器端 CORS处理吗?我相信你已经在搜索中看到了它,但。

In such a case, aren't you looking to adjust the server-side CORS handling? I'm sure you've seen it in your searching, but


You can't/shouldn't be able to change the origin of the request from the client making the request (effectively spoofing). If changing the CORS settings at the server is not an option, you may need to look at proxying your requests to a server you control, which can then be added to the list of allowed origins on the target protected resources.

这篇关于Cordova或Phonegap Http请求和同源策略问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 20:07