本文介绍了根据 ascii 值拆分列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在包含一个大字符串的表中有一个 text 字段,我想分隔的字符串的每个部分都被一个小方块分割.

I have a text field in a table that contains a large string, each part of the string that i want to separate is split by a little square.

搜索时我发现这可能是一个 ascii 值,所以我运行这个

When searching I found out this could be an ascii value, so i run this

ascii(substring(image_data, 18,1))


如何根据这个 ascii 值将此字段拆分为单独的字段?

How would go about splitting this field into separate fields based on this ascii value?


数据当前外观示例.如果可能的话,在 = 之前将 TEXT 作为标题会很棒.

Example of what the data currently looks like. Having the TEXT before the = as the Header would be great if it is possible.

ABS_ID=1234567 PERSON_ID=1234567 PARTY_ID= ABS_D=123 ABS_T= ABS_TYPE_ID=12345 ABS_ED=123456

ABS_ID=1234567 PERSON_ID=1234567 PARTY_ID= ABS_D=123 ABS_T= ABS_TYPE_ID=12345 ABS_ED=123456

ascii 值是上面字段数据示例中空格所在的位置

The ascii values are where the spaces are in the above example of the field data



更新下面提供的代码非常适合我最初给出的示例.在实现它时,我发现审计字符串根据 ENTITY_NM

UPDATEThe code provided below works great for the example i initially given. When implementing it i discovered the Audit string is different depending on the ENTITY_NM



提示:您可能需要先阅读更新 3" :-)

Hint: You might want to read "update 3" first :-)


And the most important hint: Do not store data in such a format. If you can change this, you really should...


Now some different approaches:

(还有提示 3 :-) :下次请用 RDBMS 进行标记,包括版本.这样可以更轻松地帮助您.少猜...)

(And there is hint 3 :-) : Next time please tag with the RDBMS including the version. This makes it easier to help you. Less guessing...)


--首先,我通过用 27 替换分隔空格来模拟您的问题.现在我们看到了您所说的矩形.

--First I mock-up your issue by replacing the separating blanks with the 27. Now we see the rectangles you were talking about.

DECLARE @YourString VARCHAR(1000)=REPLACE('ABS_ID=1234567 PERSON_ID=1234567 PARTY_ID= ABS_D=123 ABS_T= ABS_TYPE_ID=12345 ABS_ED=123456',' ',CHAR(27));
SELECT @YourString;

--这是查询(需要 v2016+):

--This is the query (needs v2016+):

SELECT A.[key] AS Position
      ,LEFT(Fragment,PosEqual-1) AS ValueName
      ,SUBSTRING(Fragment,PosEqual+1,1000) AS ValueContent
FROM OPENJSON(CONCAT('["',REPLACE(@YourString,CHAR(27),'","'),'"]')) A
CROSS APPLY(SELECT A.[value] AS Fragment
                  ,CHARINDEX('=',A.[value]) AS PosEqual) B;


Position    ValueName   ValueContent
0           ABS_ID      1234567
1           PERSON_ID   1234567
2           PARTY_ID
3           ABS_D       123
4           ABS_T
5           ABS_TYPE_ID 12345
6           ABS_ED      123456


STRING_SPLIT() 更好的是 JSON-hack,因为第一个不是位置安全的.

Better than STRING_SPLIT() is a JSON-hack, as the first is not position safe.

使用一些简单的字符串方法,我们可以将分隔的字符串转换为 JSON 数组.我们使用 OPENJSON() 打开这个数组.此方法将位置返回为 key,将片段返回为 value.

Using some simple string methods we can transform your separated string in a JSON array. This array we open using OPENJSON(). This method returns the position as key and the fragment as value.

APPLY 将搜索 = 的位置.

SELECT 将使用位置读取 = 的 left 和 rigth 部分.

The SELECT will use the position to read the parts left and rigth from the =.

结果是一个经典的 EAV 列表.

The result is a classical EAV-list.

以下查询在原理上类似,但使用 XML-hack 并适用于 v2005 以下的版本:

the following query is similiar in principles, but uses a XML-hack and works with versions down to v2005:

SELECT LEFT(C.Fragment,C.PosEqual-1) AS ValueName
      ,SUBSTRING(C.Fragment,C.PosEqual+1,1000) AS ValueContent
FROM (SELECT CAST('<x>'+REPLACE(@YourString,CHAR(27),'</x><x>')+'</x>' AS XML)) A(CastedToXml)
CROSS APPLY A.CastedToXml.nodes('/x') B(xmlFragment)
CROSS APPLY(SELECT B.xmlFragment.value('text()[1]','nvarchar(1000)') AS Fragment
                  ,CHARINDEX('=',B.xmlFragment.value('text()[1]','nvarchar(1000)')) AS PosEqual) C;

更新 2:另一种方法


UPDATE 2: One more approach

You might split this in one single go like this:

SELECT CAST('<x><y>' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@YourString,'=','</y><y>'),CHAR(27),'</y></x><x><y>') + '</y></x>' AS XML);


SELECT CAST('<x name="' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@YourString,'=','">'),CHAR(27),'</x><x name="') + '</x>' AS XML);


  <y />
  <y />


<x name="ABS_ID">1234567</x>
<x name="PERSON_ID">1234567</x>
<x name="PARTY_ID" />
<x name="ABS_D">123</x>
<x name="ABS_T" />
<x name="ABS_TYPE_ID">12345</x>
<x name="ABS_ED">123456</x>

更新 3(这应该是最重要的 :-) )


UPDATE 3 (this should be on top probably :-) )

This will do the pivoting implicitly:

SELECT CastedToXml.value('(/x[@name="ABS_ID"]/text())[1]','bigint') AS ABS_ID
      ,CastedToXml.value('(/x[@name="PERSON_ID"]/text())[1]','bigint') AS PERSON_ID
      ,CastedToXml.value('(/x[@name="PARTY_ID"]/text())[1]','bigint') AS PARTY_ID
      ,CastedToXml.value('(/x[@name="ABS_D"]/text())[1]','bigint') AS ABS_D
      ,CastedToXml.value('(/x[@name="ABS_T"]/text())[1]','bigint') AS ABS_T
      ,CastedToXml.value('(/x[@name="ABS_TYPE_ID"]/text())[1]','bigint') AS ABS_TYPE_ID
      ,CastedToXml.value('(/x[@name="ABS_ED"]/text())[1]','bigint') AS ABS_ED
(SELECT CAST('<x name="' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@YourString,'=','">'),CHAR(27),'</x><x name="') + '</x>' AS XML)) A(CastedToXml);


1234567 1234567     NULL        123     NULL    12345       123456

这篇关于根据 ascii 值拆分列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 19:53