



我正在使用Mercurial管理$ HOME,以保持点文件的良好状态和可跟踪性,或者至少对我来说很重要.

I'm managing $HOME using Mercurial, to keep my dotfiles nice and tracked, or at least the ones that matter to me.


However, there's a profusion of files and directories in ~ that do not need to be tracked, and that set is ever-changing and ever-growing.


Historically, I've dealt with this by having this .hgignore:

syntax: glob


This keeps my status clean, as far as it goes, making only previously tracked files visible. However, I have some directories (in my case, scripts, .emacs.d) that I would like to see untracked files in; I almost always want to track new additions to those directories.

我知道我可以运行hg st -u scripts来识别未跟踪的文件,但是我想要一种可以使用普通ole hg状态实现相同功能的方法.

I know that I can run hg st -u scripts to identify untracked files, but I want a means whereby I can achieve the same function using plain ole hg status.


Is there a way to do this?



syntax: regexp


  • ^匹配路径的开头
  • (?!(scripts|foo|bar)使用负前行忽略所有文件,但目录scriptsfoobar
  • 中的文件除外
  • /)确保以跟踪目录作为前缀的目录被忽略
  • [^/]+/然后实际上匹配任何目录(不包括先行排除的目录),这样就不会忽略~中的文件
    • ^ matches start of path
    • (?!(scripts|foo|bar) uses negative lookahead to ignore all files except those in directories scripts, foo or bar
    • /) ensures that directories which have a tracked directory as a prefix are ignored
    • [^/]+/ then actually matches any directory (excluding those ruled out by the lookahead), so that files in ~ aren't ignored
    • 此解决方案中的中心思想的信用(否定的前瞻性)归功于Michael La Voie对

      Credit for the central idea in this solution (the negative lookahead) goes to Michael La Voie's answer to this question


08-19 19:52