

VS 2013 Professional - 版本 12.0.31101.00 更新 4

突然间,每当我尝试打开一个项目(MVC 项目或 Python 项目)时,我得到:

All of a sudden, whenever I try to open a project (MVC project or Python project), I get:



The problem may have been caused by a configuration change or by the installation of another extension. You can get more information by examining the file 'C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ActivityLog.xml'.

在我的 AppData\Roaming 中,没有 12.0 文件夹!在 AppData\Local 中,有一个 12.0 文件夹,但没有 ActivityLog.xml 文件.

In my AppData\Roaming, there is no 12.0 folder! In AppData\Local, there is a 12.0 folder but there is no ActivityLog.xml file.

当我忽略该消息并按 F5 运行时,经过大量磁盘移动后,Visual Studio 只是关闭并消失了.

When I ignore the message and press F5 to run, after lots of disk movement, Visual Studio simply closes and disappears.


I have repaired a few times and the exact same behavior persists.

当我尝试运行 devenv.exe/setup 或 devenv.exe/resetuserdata 时,完全没有任何反应.没有错误,没有启动任何进程,什么也没有.不带任何参数运行 devenv.exe 会启动 VS.

When I try to run devenv.exe /setup or devenv.exe /resetuserdata, absolutely nothing happens. No error, no process is launched, nothing. Running devenv.exe without any parameters does launch VS.


What can be wrong? I hesitate to uninstall and reinstall if there is some other solution.

1 天后:卸载 VS 2013 并重新安装,然后应用更新 4.

1 day later: Uninstalled VS 2013 and reinstalled, and then applied Update 4.

MVC 项目的问题仍然相同:ProviderPackage 没有正确加载,并且在运行项目时 VS 关闭并消失.

Problem is still the same for the MVC project: ProviderPackage did not load correctly, and when running project VS closes and disappears.

ActivityLog.xml 中的最后一条记录说:

Last record in ActivityLog.xml says:

 <time>2015/03/17 06:38:43.882</time>
 <description>An exception was thrown during package instantiation and was caught in the package manager [ProviderPackage]</description>
 <hr>8000ffff - E_UNEXPECTED</hr>


Deleting ComponentModelCache from

Deleting ComponentModelCache from


适用于 VS 2015.

works fine for VS 2015.

注意:在删除此文件夹之前,您需要关闭 VS.在 VS 2013

Note: You will need to close the VS before deleting this folder. Also replace 14.0 with 12.0 in folder path for VS 2013


08-19 19:47