



我正在运行Xcode 4.1,我一直在关注应用程序设置的教程。一切都很好,直到我准备为我要添加的子窗格添加一个plist。

I'm running Xcode 4.1 and I've been following a tutorial about app settings. Everything has been going great up until I get ready to add a plist for a child pane that I want to add.

我正在观看的视频教程(也使用Xcode 4.1)显示该人右键单击settings.bundle并选择Add File ...然后保存名为More的文件。在视频教程中,他最终得到了一个More.plist,它出现在项目中,也出现在与Root.plist相同级别的settings.bundle中。我只是在项目中得到它。 settings.bundle中没有任何内容,我无法弄清楚如何在那里复制它。

The video tutorial I'm watching (also using Xcode 4.1) shows the guy right-clicking the settings.bundle and choosing Add File... and then saving a file named More. In the video tutorial, he ends up with a More.plist showing up in the project and also in the settings.bundle right in the same level with the Root.plist. I just get it in the project. Nothing in the settings.bundle, and I can't figure out how to copy it there.

我也注意到在教程中,在Project Navigator中, settings.bundle有一个看起来有点像盾牌轮廓的图标。在我的Project Navigator中,settings.bundle看起来像一张白纸,折角向下。

I've also noticed that in the tutorial, in the Project Navigator, the settings.bundle has an icon that looks kind of like an outline of a shield. In my Project Navigator, the settings.bundle looks like a white sheet of paper with a corner folded down.


Anyone know what the heck is going on?


FWIW, the root app settings works fine in the simulator. I can see the stuff I set up just fine. I can click on the link to my child pane and it switches to it, but nothing that I added in the more.plist shows up there.

任何帮助都非常感谢! !

Any help GREATLY appreciated!!



Argh, Apple tends to change things without letting anyone know. The whole settings bundle thing is just not well integrated into XCode if you ask me.If you ever try to localize your application, you will find that you have to manually add the localization folders to the settings.bundle.


Looks like we have to do the same thing to add child menus now, as just adding the plist file does not put it into the settings.bundle.


Here is the set of steps I just tried that worked.

  1. 打开查找器,你可以右键单击或用两根手指点击Settings.bundle并选择在Finder中显示。 / li>
  2. 右键单击finder窗口中的Settings.bundle,选择显示包内容。

  3. 将新的plist文件复制到此旁边的settings.bundle Root.plist

  4. 从主项目中删除新的plist。


08-19 19:31