

我正在尝试替换OpenGL ES 2.0中缺少的OpenGL gl_FragDepth功能.

I'm trying to replace OpenGL's gl_FragDepth feature which is missing in OpenGL ES 2.0.

我需要一种在片段着色器中设置深度的方法,因为在顶点着色器中设置深度不足以达到我的目的. AFAIK唯一的方法是通过具有渲染到纹理的帧缓冲区,并在该缓冲区上完成第一次渲染.此深度纹理存储屏幕上每个像素的深度值.然后,将深度纹理附加到最终渲染过程中,以便最终渲染器知道每个像素的深度.

I need a way to set the depth in the fragment shader, because setting it in the vertex shader is not accurate enough for my purpose. AFAIK the only way to do that is by having a render-to-texture framebuffer on which a first rendering pass is done. This depth texture stores the depth values for each pixel on the screen. Then, the depth texture is attached in the final rendering pass, so the final renderer knows the depth at each pixel.

由于iOS> = 4.1支持GL_OES_depth_texture,因此我尝试使用GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16作为深度纹理.我正在使用以下调用来创建纹理:

Since iOS >= 4.1 supports GL_OES_depth_texture, I'm trying to use GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 or GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 for the depth texture. I'm using the following calls to create the texture:

glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId, 0);


The framebuffer creation succeeds, but I don't know how to proceed. I'm lacking some fundamental understanding of depth textures attached to framebuffers.

  • 我应该在片段着色器中输出什么值?我的意思是,即使纹理是深度纹理,gl_FragColor仍然是RGBA值.我无法在片段着色器中设置深度,因为OpenGL ES 2.0中缺少gl_FragDepth
  • 如何在最终渲染过程中从深度纹理中读取深度纹理(深度纹理以sampler2D的形式附加)?
  • 将纹理附加到GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT是否正确?如果将其更改为GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,则表示帧缓冲区不完整.
  • What values should I output in the fragment shader? I mean, gl_FragColor is still an RGBA value, even though the texture is a depth texture. I cannot set the depth in the fragment shader, since gl_FragDepth is missing in OpenGL ES 2.0
  • How can I read from the depth texture in the final rendering pass, where the depth texture is attached as a sampler2D?
  • Why do I get an incomplete framebuffer if I set the third argument of glTexImage2D to GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_OES or GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_OES?
  • Is it right to attach the texture to the GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT? If I'm changing that to GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, I'm getting an incomplete framebuffer.



Depth textures do not affect the output of the fragment shader. The value that ends up in the depth texture when you're rendering to it will be the fixed-function depth value.


So without gl_FragDepth, you can't really "set the depth in the fragment shader". You can, however, do what you describe, i.e., render depth to a texture in one pass and then read access that value in a later pass.


You can read from a depth texture using the texture2D built-in function just like for regular color textures. The value you get back will be (d, d, d, 1.0).


According to the depth texture extension specification, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_OES and GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_OES are not supported as internal formats for depth textures. I'd expect this to generate an error. The incomplete framebuffer status you get is probably related to this.


It is correct to attach the texture to the GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT.


09-01 15:23