I have some F# 4.0 source that compiles fine in Debug, but not in Release.
There are no conditional defines, no changes in the inferred types, and nothing else I can think of, that can explain this difference to me.
Did I really stumble on a compiler bug?
let oldItems = userDisplayItems |> Seq.toList
for newItem in newItems do
match List.tryFind (fun (itemOfOld: UserDisplay.UserDisplayItem) -> itemOfOld.Id = newItem.Id) oldItems with
| Some oldItem ->
The error message refers to the last use of "oldItems", before the "with" keyword at the end of the long line. The error message is:
什么!? oldItems在上面几行很明显,并且可以在Debug中编译,所以为什么不在Release中呢?该错误消息实际上是什么意思?
What!? oldItems is in plain sight a few lines above, and this compiles in Debug, so why not in Release? What does that error message actually mean?
UserDisplayItem is a simple class.newItems is a ResizeArray of UserDisplayItem
I looked into the build history, and it compiled fine in Release when UserDisplayItem was an F# immutable record, and not a class.
Visual Studio 2015,F#4.0,任何CPU,发行版,.NET 4.5.2为目标.
Visual Studio 2015, F# 4.0, Any CPU, Release, .NET 4.5.2 targeted.
The following is a complete example. You can create an F# console application, and paste this into Program.fs. I expect it will compile in Debug, but not Release.
open System.Collections.ObjectModel
type User = { Id: int }
type UserDisplayItem(id: int) =
let mutable id = id
member x.Id with get() = id and set(v) = id <- v
let userDisplayItems = new ObservableCollection<UserDisplayItem>()
let refreshList () =
let newItems = userDisplayItems
let oldItems = userDisplayItems |> Seq.toList
for newItem in newItems do
match List.tryFind (fun (itemOfOld: UserDisplayItem) -> itemOfOld.Id = newItem.Id) oldItems with
| Some oldItem -> ()
| None -> ()
type UserDisplayItem = { Id: int }
let refreshList () =
let newItems = new ResizeArray<UserDisplayItem>()
let oldItems = new ResizeArray<UserDisplayItem>() |> Seq.toList
for newItem in newItems do
match List.tryFind (fun (itemOfOld: UserDisplayItem) -> itemOfOld.Id = newItem.Id) oldItems with
| Some oldItem -> ()
| None -> ()
似乎是编译器错误(可能与 1020 ).
Seems to be compiler bug (maybe related to 1020).
Could reproduce it with your code and F# version 14.0.23413.0
Now installed current preview which is F# version 14.0.23618.0 and it works.