




Im making an insertion sort code in SML, here it is

fun compare(x:real, y:real, F) = F(x, y);
fun isEqual(x:real, y:real) = ((x <= y) andalso (x >= y));

fun rinsert(x: real, [], F) = [x]
    |rinsert(x, (y::ys), F) =
    if isEqual(x, y) then rinsert (x, ys, F)
    else if compare(x, y, F) then x::y::ys
            else y::(rinsert (x, ys, F));

fun rinsort([], F) = []
    |rinsort(x::xs, F) = rinsert(x, (rinsort(xs, F), F));


However, on running it i get this error

val isEqual = fn : real * real -> bool
val rinsert = fn : real * real list * (real * real -> bool) -> real list
stdIn:12.27-12.58 Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
  operator domain: real * real list * (real * real -> bool)
  operand:         'Z * ('Y list * 'X)
  in expression:
    rinsert (x,(rinsort (<exp>,<exp>),F))


I understand that rinsort is calling rinsert incorrectly, but I'm not sure how to fix it.



  • 函数compare仅用于切换F自变量的顺序,因此您不妨先引用F本身.

  • The function compare only serves the purpose to switch the order of the arguments of F, so you might as well just refer to F itself then.


The function isEqual is kind of bad. Since reals are not equality types in SML for a reason, try and avoid comparing them like that. It turns out, in order to sort reals, you only need <=, not =.

函数rinsert具有严格的: real类型注释,这是不必要的,因为在将比较运算符F作为参数时,插入排序也可能是通用的(多态的).

The function rinsert has strict : real type annotations that are unnecessary since your insertion sort, in taking the comparison operator F as a parameter, might as well be generic (polymorphic).


You might want to call the parameter F something more descriptive, like cmp, leq, or whatever reminds you of its purpose.


Here's an example of how one might also make an insertion sort function:

fun sort leq xs =
    let fun insert (x, []) = [x]
          | insert (x, y::ys) =
              if leq (x, y)
              then x::y::ys
              else y::insert (x, ys)
    in List.foldl insert [] xs

其类型为('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list.这相当于例如SML/NJ的内置ListMergeSort.sort.我选择sort咖喱,因为您可能希望通过部分函数应用程序将其专门化,例如,

It has the type ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list. This is comparable to e.g. SML/NJ's built-in ListMergeSort.sort. I've chosen sort to be curried since you might want to specialize it by partial function application, e.g.,

val realsort = sort (op <=) : real list -> real list
val stringsort = sort (op >) : string list -> string list

但是我不让嵌入式帮助器函数insert取消,因为List.foldl接受类型为('a * 'b -> 'b)的函数,即,元组为(x, ys)并返回带有x的修改后的ys插入.

but I've let the embedded helper function insert to be uncurried since List.foldl takes a function with type ('a * 'b -> 'b), i.e., a tuple of (x, ys) and returns a modified ys with x inserted.


You may want to consider which properties that can test that your function does sort. One property could be that all list elements in the sorted list are in the order specified by the comparison operator leq.

fun sorted_prop _ [] = true
  | sorted_prop _ [_] = true
  | sorted_prop leq (x::y::xs) = leq (x, y) andalso sorted_prop leq (y::xs)


Another property could be that each element in the unsorted list exists in the sorted list. The latter property may be hard to test if you're not assuming x to have an equality type (''a). But you could do that in the test specifically.


08-19 18:57