本文介绍了Android的SDK的Facebook SSO"您请求的页面无法显示"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直停留在这个非常令人沮丧的问题了一整天,通过谷歌,我发现很多人同样的问题没有答案,涉及到新的Facebook API为Android。我跟随正好在这里列出的步骤:

I've been stuck on this very frustrating problem all day and through Google I've found many people with the same problem with no answers that relate to the new Facebook API for Android. I have followed the steps listed here exactly :



When I run the sample app on my device I get this:


When I run it on the emulator it works. I understand this to be because of Facebook's SSO implementation. The emulator does not have facebook installed so it signs in for the first time successfully, but the device launches the facebook app and for some reason gives this error and when I travel back, it is as if I am not logged into facebook at all and there is no active session (though I am because when it launches the facebook app I can browse friends, etc.)


I cannot uninstall facebook on my device and even if I could that would be unacceptable for the app users. If possible, I'd like to retain the SSO feature, but somehow make it work!

我花了一整天我的哈希键来回,并通过我的设备+ code和用keytool产生他们,他们匹配,所以这个问题是不相关的这一点。此外,示例应用程序上肯定意味着它的SSO问题模拟器运行。先谢谢了。

I have spent all day going back and forth with my Hash Keys, and generated them through my device+code and with the keytool and they match so the problem is not related to that. Besides, the sample app runs on the emulator which surely means its an SSO problem. Thanks in advance.



After 8 hours of scanning through my code and the facebook docs, I simply decided to update my facebook app on my tablet ( I never use it and so never bothered to update it ) and now it all works.


I guess the Facebook app on my tablet was pre-SSO of Facebook on Android, but my created app was expecting it to be supported and giving the error.

这篇关于Android的SDK的Facebook SSO"您请求的页面无法显示"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 18:44