本文介绍了"摘要" C#中的接口的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


可能存在后面的X-Y问题,我可以稍后单独发布。但我 am 实际上对学术问题特别感兴趣,这里。

This is an Academic question.There is arguably an X-Y problem behind it, which I may post separately later. But I am actually specifically interested in the Academic Question, here.


I often find that I have groups of interfaces which all have properties in common. And I want to define a base interface to commonise those, partly for lack of repetition and partly so that I can pass around an object and use the common methods without knowing the exact type.

也许我有 IFooRepository IBarRepository 等,我可以声明 IRepository< ; TEntity>

Maybe I have IFooRepository, IBarRepository, etc., and I can declare IRepository<TEntity>.

或者我有 IHappyBot ISadBot IConfusedBot ,所有这些都有 IBot 的共同点。

Or I have an IHappyBot, ISadBot, IConfusedBot, all of which have IBot in common.

值得注意的是,没有类可以直接实现这些基本接口 - 你永远不会有一些实现只是 IBot

Notably no class would ever directly implement these base interfaces - you'd never have something that implemented just IBot.


If we were talking about a hierarchy of classes, rather than interfaces, then I would say "Ah ... the base thing is an abstract class".

有什么类似的东西我可以用接口来记录期望 IBot 不会直接实现。

Is there anything analogous that I can do with the interface to document the expectation that IBot isn't going to get directly implemented.


A aspect of it that I'm interested is doing something that you can later detect via reflection, so that when I test my DI setup, I can say "Ah, this interface isn't expected to be bindable, because it's "abstract".

我主要关心C#,但如果这个功能特别存在于其他主要语言中,那么听到它会很有趣。 / p>

I mainly care about C# myself, but if this feature specifically exists in other major languages it would interesting to hear about it.


或许是一个回答的哲学问题 - 但是为什么一个班级如果不想实施IBot呢?

A philosophical question in response perhaps - But why should a class not be able to implement IBot if it wants to?


What about an abstract class? I might want an abstract base Bot class to implement IBot as a way to check that the Bot base class ticks all the functionality expected of a base Bot.


An interface is about defining what something can / should do, it's a list of functionality. In my mind it doesn't make much sense to say "something can't claim it satisfies this list of functionality".


An abstract class makes sense because sometimes the abstract class needs its implementation holes filled (abstract methods etc). This isn't the case with an interface.

这篇关于&QUOT;摘要&QUOT; C#中的接口的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 18:44