我有一个带有 javascript 验证的 Rails Devise 表单.当用户按下提交时,验证工作并且用户重新关注他们需要的表单.
I have a Rails Devise form that has javascript validation. When the user presses submit, the validation works and the user is refocused on the form where they need to be.
然而,rails 使用 data-disable-with 在按钮被点击后禁用按钮,因此验证后用户不能再点击提交.我正在尝试设置某种侦听器来检查按钮何时被禁用,稍等片刻以防止双击,然后重新启用按钮.
However, rails uses the data-disable-with to disable the button after it has been clicked, so after the validation the user cannot click submit anymore. I am trying to set up some kind of listener to check when the button has been disabled, wait a little while to prevent double clicks, then re-enable the button.
I have tried many iterations of code, the latest I tried was:
$(document.on("ajax:success", "new_supplier", function() {
var button;
button = $(this).find('.btn-sign-up');
setTimeout((function() { return button.disabled=false; }),1);
But had no success, previously I tried just adding a listener to the button:
var button = document.getElementById('btn-sign-up');
button.addEventListener("click", enableButton);
function enableButton() {
if (button.disabled)
window.setTimeout(enable(), 2000);
function enable() {
但这失败了,因为它在禁用按钮的函数(隐藏在 rails ether 中)之前运行,因此不起作用.
But this failed because it ran before the function (hidden in rails ether) that disabled the button so did not work.
<%= f.submit "Create my account", class: 'btn-sign-up', id: 'btn-sign-up' %>
有人可以帮我吗?我想如果我可以禁用此页面的 jQuery_ujs 会起作用,但不确定我是否可以这样做.
Can anyone help me out here? I think if I can disable the jQuery_ujs for this page that would work, but not sure if I can do that.
I managed to solve this quite simply. I just went in and removed the data-disable-with from the button with the code:
And then re-establishing the attribute when the form was ready to be submitted to prevent double clicks from creating duplicates.
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