

本文介绍了XAMPP - "该网页无法使用"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用PHP和XAMPP想我第一次的Hello World应用程序。我已经得到的错误,到目前为止,并已通过的问题一个接一个的工作。到目前为止,我有:

I am trying my first Hello World app using php and xampp. I've been getting errors so far and been working through the problems one by one. So far I have:

  1. 保存C上的PHP文件(hello.php扩展):\\ XAMPP \\ htdocs中。下面一行是HTML的身体标记之间。

  1. Saved the php file ("hello.php") on C:\xampp\htdocs. The following line is in between html "body" tags.

<?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>

  • 从使用端口80作为残疾人万维网服务我的XAMPP控制面板上导致错误。

  • 禁用mySQL56使用3306端口作为也是我XAMPP控制面板上导致了错误。在这一点上,当我打开XAMPP控制面板上,一切都看起来不错(我这样说是因为所有我能看到的是蓝色和黑色文字),但它说我不拥有管理员权限运行。

  • 当我输入在任Chrome或Firefox,我得到此网页无法使用。错误。

  • Disabled World Wide Web Services from using port 80 as that caused an error on my xampp control panel.
  • Disabled mySQL56 from using port 3306 as also caused an error on my xampp control panel. At this point, when I turn on xampp control panel, everything looks fine (I say this because all i can see is blue and black writing) except it says I am not running with admin rights.
  • When I type in http://localhost/hello.php on either Chrome or Firefox, I get "This webpage is not available." error.
  • 有谁知道我做错了?

    其它说明:我使用Windows 7,并没有下载从PHP任何

    Further notes: I am using Windows 7 and haven't downloaded anything from PHP.


    I apologise for perhaps a too wide question. I have tried to be as specific as possible by outlining all actions I have taken.



    Try running control panel with admin rights. Right click on control panel icon and select "Run as administrator". Also it would help if you pasted here the messages that you get in control panel when you start apache (mysql is not needed to run your hello.php file since you don't access any database).

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    08-19 18:35