

当我在设备8 Beta 2上运行Xcode IOS 6 beta 2固件中的应用程序时,收到错误消息:
dyld:无法加载插入的库'/ USR / Library / libgmalloc.dylib ,因为没有找到图像。

When I run the app in Xcode IOS 6 beta 2 firmware on the device 8 Beta 2, I get the error message:"dyld: could not load inserted library '/ USR / Library / libgmalloc.dylib", because the image was not found. "



这是因为Xcode挂载错误的DeveloperImage。如果你打开Settings-> Developer,你会看到启用UIAutomation和其他人丢失。

This is because Xcode mount wrong DeveloperImage. If you open the Settings-> Developer you will see that the "Enable UIAutomation» and others are missing.


  1. 移动/Applications/Xcode6-Beta2.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport中的所有文件夹,8.0(12A4297e)除外安全的地方

  2. 重新启动手机

  3. 将手机连接到xCode 6 beta 2

  4. 恢复文件夹DeviceSupport

  1. move all folders from "/Applications/Xcode6-Beta2.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport" except "8.0 (12A4297e)" to safe place
  2. reboot the phone
  3. connect your phone to xCode 6 beta 2
  4. restore folders in DeviceSupport

这是唯一对我有帮助的事情。即使重新刷新ios8 beta2也无济于事。

This is the only thing that helped me. Even re-flashing on ios8 beta2 does not helps.


08-19 18:30