




I want to turn off the logging feature offered by default when we run from local cluster.Currently its logging so many information on the console.


261 [main] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.task  - Shut down task Getting-Started-Toplogie-1-1376388324:2
2261 [main] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.task  - Shutting down task Getting-Started-Toplogie-1-1376388324:1
2262 [Thread-24] INFO  backtype.storm.util  - Async loop interrupted!
2276 [main] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.task  - Shut down task Getting-Started-Toplogie-1-1376388324:1
2278 [main] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.worker  - Terminating zmq context
2279 [main] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.worker  - Disconnecting from storm cluster state context
2279 [main] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.worker  - Waiting for heartbeat thread to die
2279 [Thread-27] INFO  backtype.storm.util  - Async loop interrupted!
2308 [main] INFO  backtype.storm.testing  - Shutting down in process zookeeper
2309 [main] INFO  backtype.storm.testing  - Done shutting down in process zookeeper
2309 [main] INFO  backtype.storm.testing  - Deleting temporary path /tmp/255fe7c8-1407-4f43-8771-2217905232ab


After going through many docs, I ended up with the below code, I am able to turn off the logging from within class.

static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TopologyMain.class);

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException {
      logger.setLevel((Level) Level.FATAL);
      logger.debug("Here is some DEBUG");
      logger.info("Here is some INFO");
      logger.warn("Here is some WARN");
      logger.error("Here is some ERROR");
      logger.fatal("Here is some FATAL");

输出(正确): 0 [主要]致命的TopologyMain - 这是一些致命的

但是我需要更改storm / zookeper的日志配置等。

But I require to change the logging configure of storm/zookeper,etc..


更新:以下是我尝试的代码,但它不起作用。我试过版本0.7.1,0.8.2& 0.9.0-wip *

Update: The following is the code I tried, but it does not work. I tried with version 0.7.1, 0.8.2 & 0.9.0-wip*

        Config conf = new Config();
        conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG, false);  //Tried this alone
        conf.setDebug(false);  //Tried this alone & tried both together as well.. No change :-(



Storm is really chatty and tells a lot of information but if you want to silence it, you can set Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG to false.


When you set Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG to true, you are telling Storm to log a message every time a tuple is emitted from any spout or bolt.


08-19 18:27