


I'm given a matrix containing a blueprint of a crossword puzzle - unfilled, of course. The goal is to fill the whole puzzle - it's a task from Checkio, and I've been struggling with this for quite some time now.


From what I understand of complexity, there's no perfect algorithm for this problem. Still, there has to be the best way to do this, right? I've tried some different things, and results were not that good with increasing number of words in the crossword and/or dictionary.

所以, ve尝试过:

  • 简单的暴力破解。根本不起作用,因为它一直忽略

  • 强行强制执行,同时保留所有相关数据-在特定字典中按预期运行,变成了地狱即使是经过字长优化,也有一个

  • 盲点交叉填充-我认为最好不要打扰相交的单词,而应将

  • 递归探索-在更简单的蓝图上可以很好地工作,而在更复杂的蓝图上却无法实现。存在一个简单的

  • 最小化交集-尚未对此进行测试,但看起来很有希望。我的想法是,我找到包含所有交集的单词

  • simple brute forcing. Did not work at all, as it has been ignoringand overwriting intersections.
  • brute forcing while keeping all the relevant data - worked as expected with a specific dictionary, turned to hell with amoderately big one even with word-length optimization. Figures.
  • blind intersection filling - the idea where I thought it would be better not to bother with the intersecting words, instead focusingon the letters. Like start with As and check if you can fill thewhole crossword with these restrictions. If it did not work for someword, increment one of the letters and try the whole thing again.Results were abysmal as you can expect.
  • recursive exploring - worked perfectly on more simple blueprints, but fell flat with more complex ones. There was an issue with simpleloops which was resolved simply enough, but I did not find areasonable solution for the situation where the path splits and thenrejoins several further splits later (so there's nothing left tosolve for the second branch, but it doesn't know that).
  • minimizing intersections - haven't tested this yet, but it looks promising. The idea is that I find the shortest list of wordscontaining all intersections... that also don't intersect with eachother. Then I can just use a generator for each of those words, andthen check if the depending words with those intersections exist. Ifthey don't, I just grab the next word from a generator.


And this is where I'm currently at. I decided to ask about this here as it's already at that point where I think it took more time than it should have, and even then my latest idea may not even be the proper way to do it.

那么,什么 是正确的方法呢?

So, what is the proper way to do it?


Input is a list of strings representing the crossword and a list of strings representing the dictionary. Output is a list of strings representing the filled crossword.




The output would be a similar list with filled letters instead of dots.


Note that the 'dictionary' is just that, a small English dictionary and not a list of words fitted as answers for this puzzle.



I don't know if it is optimal, but I would be using the principles of Floodfill.



Crossword words and their intersections. Sort them by the number of words in the dictionary for the corresponding word length. This will most likely mean that you will start with one of the longest words.


Dictionary accessible by word length.

如果词典很大,能够快速找到具有特定 n :th个字母,其中 n 对应于交点位置。

If the dictionary is large it would be beneficial to be able to quickly find words of a certain length with a specific n:th letter, where n corresponds to an intersection position.


Note that for each crossword word, any two words that fit and have the same letters in all intersections are equivalent. Thus, it is possible to select a subset from the dictionary for each crossword word. The subset is the set of equivalence classes. So for each crossword word you can create a subset of the dictionary that contains at most [the number of letters in the alphabet] to the power of [the number of intersections]. This subset would constitute the equivalence classes that might fit a particular crossword word.


  • 采用第一个/下一个未解决的填字游戏单词。为它分配合适的第一个/下一个

  • Take the first/next unsolved crossword word. Assign it the first/nextword that fits.


Take the first/next intersection. Assign the other crossword word the first word that fits.


09-04 21:52