I'm trying to create a python program that logs in to my university's site using my id and password. This is the formal page for logging in: https://webapp.pucrs.br/consulta/
As you may notice, the two fields are named pr1 and pr2. The page uses POST to send the data. ALSO, there's a cookie that is downloaded when the page is loaded, it's a JSESSIONID containing a random value that, as I understood, you have to return on the header of the POST method to authenticate the login.
I wrote the following code, but the return page on the GET method says "The session was not initialized", probably cause the cookie was not sent back properly.
from urllib2 import Request, build_opener, HTTPCookieProcessor, HTTPHandler
import httplib, urllib, cookielib, Cookie, os
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('webapp.pucrs.br')
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(cj),HTTPHandler())
req = Request('http://webapp.pucrs.br/consulta/principal.jsp')
f = opener.open(req)
html = f.read()
for cookie in cj:
c = cookie
params = urllib.urlencode ({'pr1':111049631, 'pr2':<pass>})
headers = {"Content-type":"text/html",
"Set-Cookie" : "JSESSIONID=70E78D6970373C07A81302C7CF800349"}
# I couldn't set the value automaticaly here, the cookie object can't be converted to string, so I change this value on every session to the new cookie's value. Any solutions?
conn.request ("POST", "/consulta/servlet/consulta.aluno.ValidaAluno",params, headers) # Validation page
resp = conn.getresponse()
temp = conn.request("GET","/consulta/servlet/consulta.aluno.Publicacoes") # desired content page
resp = conn.getresponse()
print resp.read()
Where do I put this cookie so the login is authenticated?
库。该是优秀的,而code最终被比更清洁的urllib *
I would try using the requests
library. The documentation is excellent, and the code ends up being much cleaner than with urllib*
$ pip install requests
Using a session (see comment by Piotr) that handles cookies on its own, the result looks like this
import requests
url_0 = "http://webapp.pucrs.br/consulta/principal.jsp"
url = "https://webapp.pucrs.br/consulta/servlet/consulta.aluno.ValidaAluno"
data = {"pr1": "123456789", "pr2": "1234"}
s = requests.session()
r = s.post(url, data)
这似乎做工精细,我得到 PR1
AUsuario inexistente通知123456789和Sehnainválida与您的用户号码。
It seems to work fine, as I get a "Usuario inexistente" notice for pr1
123456789 and "Sehna inválida" with your user-number.
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