




I'm trying to run a VBA macro through .VBS file(File name: Check_final.vbs). Here is the code

Option Explicit


Sub run_macro()
    Dim xl1
    Dim sCurPath
    Dim xlBook
    Dim FolderFromPath
    Set xl1 = CreateObject("Excel.application")

    sCurPath =Wscript.ScriptFullName
    Set xlBook = xl1.Workbooks.Open(sCurPath, 0, True)
    xl1.DisplayAlerts = False
    FolderFromPath = Left(sCurPath, InStrRev(sCurPath, "\"))
    xl1.Application.run FolderFromPath & "Changed_chk.xlsm!Check"

    Set xlBook = Nothing
End Sub

运行此.vbs文件时,出现带有只读和通知选项的弹出窗口'Changed_chk.xlsm已被锁定以进行编辑'.如果我通过只读"或通知"选项确认它,则以Check_final(即该.vbs文件的文件名)的名称打开一个excel工作表,并且上述代码显示为写在该excel文件中.然后我收到一个Windows脚本宿主错误(代码:800A03AC),说该宏可能不可用或所有宏都被禁用.(尽管我已按此处所述启用了该宏.[ http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/enable-all-macros-in -excel-2010/)] .在这方面的任何帮助,我们将不胜感激.预先感谢.

When I run this .vbs file I get this popup 'Changed_chk.xlsm is locked for editing' with Read only and notify options. If I acknowledge it with either Read only or notify option a excel sheet is opened in the name of Check_final (which is the file name of that .vbs file) and the above mentioned code is shown written in that excel file. Then I get a Windows script host error(code: 800A03AC) saying macro may not be available or all macro's are disabled.(Though I have enabled the macro as mentioned here.[http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/enable-all-macros-in-excel-2010/)].Any help on this is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


您打开的vbs文件而不是excel文件...此外,请确保您的函数/子文件是公共的.在下面的示例中,我在模块"YourModuleName"中创建了一个Public Sub Check,从vbs文件中调用该文件.

You open your vbs-file instead of your excel-file... Also make sure that your function/sub is public. In the example below, I created a Public Sub Check in the module "YourModuleName", which I call from the vbs-file.

Option Explicit


Sub run_macro()
    Dim xl1
    Dim xlBook
    Dim FolderFromPath
    Set xl1 = CreateObject("Excel.application")

    FolderFromPath = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "")
    set xlBook = xl1.Workbooks.Open(FolderFromPath & "Changed_chk.xlsm")
    xl1.Application.run "'" & xlBook.Name & "'!YourModuleName.Check"
End Sub


08-19 16:29