As the statement is now it returns all items that is filtered by the N.TypeMis but I would like to have it only returning the items with a distinct N.Lvl.
I''ve tried using GroupBy but couldn''t figure it out.
var q = ( from N in _fMissionSubList
where N.TypeMis == mTypeMis
select new {
N.ID, N.Mission_ID, N.Enabled, N.Title, N.Description, N.TypeMis,
N.TypeParent, N.Lvl, N.LvlOrder, N.ControlType
} ); //Would like to add something like this .Distinct(N.Lvl);
foreach ( var n in q )
class NyClassN
public string TypeMis { get; set; }
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Mission { get; set; }
<br />
class NyClassNEqComp : IEqualityComparer<NyClassN>
public bool Equals(NyClassN x, NyClassN y)
return x.Mission.Equals(y.Mission) && x.TypeMis.Equals(y.TypeMis);
}<br />
public int GetHashCode(NyClassN obj)
return string.Format("{0}{1}", obj.Mission, obj.TypeMis).GetHashCode();
}<br />
class Program
static void TestAg(string mTypeMis)
var q = (from N in new List<NyClassN>()
where N.TypeMis == mTypeMis
select N).Distinct (new NyClassNEqComp());
或实现公共类DelegateComparer : IEqualityComparer{}
Or implement a public class DelegateComparer : IEqualityComparer{}
then add an extension:
public static IEnumerable Distinct(this IEnumerable items, Func equals, Func hashCode)
return items.Distinct(new DelegateComparer(equals, hashCode));
and then you can call
.Distinct((a, b) => a.Mission_ID== b.Mission_ID, c => c.Mission_ID.GetHashCode());