




<div>{{item.Name}}</div><!-- 这是重复的部分--></columnize>

该指令将接收两个输入,columnCount 和 collection.该指令在内部获取集合并将其拆分为具有所需列数的嵌套数组,每个数组包含该列的项目.结果数组将如下所示:

$scope.columns = [[{名称:项目1"},{名称:项目2"},{名称:项目3"}],[{名称:Item4"},{名称:Item5"},{名称:Item6"}],[{名称:Item7"},{名称:Item8"}]];


<div class="column" ng-repeat="列中的列"><span ng-repeat="列中的项目"><span ng-transclude></span></span>

这个问题是我似乎无法让嵌入工作,因为它在 ngRepeat 中重复.我猜我需要克隆内容并以某种方式手动将它们插入到这个模板中,但我似乎找不到任何好的例子.我发现这看起来像我想要做的,只是没有嵌套的中继器:





这就是我要做的.请记住,您肯定需要 CSS 来设置列布局的样式.

app.directive('columnize', function() {返回 {限制:'E',范围: {集合:'=',列数:'='},转置:真实,模板:'<div><div class="column" ng-repeat="col in cols">'+'<div ng-repeat="列中的项目" ng-transclude></div>'+'</div></div>',链接:函数(作用域){var partition = function partition(大小,项目){if ( items.length === 0 ) { return [];}return ([items.slice( 0, size )]).concat( partition( size, items.slice( size )));};var columnize = function() {如果(!scope.columnCount){返回;}scope.cols = partition( scope.columnCount, scope.collection );};scope.$watch('columnCount', columnize);scope.$watch('collection', columnize );}};});

I have a situation where I want to create a directive that takes an array of items and splits them into a variable number of columns, wrapping them with elements that make the columns. After spending hours upon hours of trying various things I am stumped as how to architect this. Here is how I want to use this directive:

<columnize columnCount="3" collection="items">
   <div>{{item.Name}}</div> <!-- this is the repeated part -->

The directive will receive two inputs, columnCount and collection. The directive internally takes the collection and splits it up into a nested array with the desired number of columns, each with the the items for that column. The resulting array would appear something like this:

$scope.columns = [
   [{Name: "Item1"}, {Name: "Item2"}, {Name: "Item3"}],
   [{Name: "Item4"}, {Name: "Item5"}, {Name: "Item6"}],
   [{Name: "Item7"}, {Name: "Item8"}]

I then want to output the column chunks using a template similar to this:

<div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="column" ng-repeat="column in columns">
        <span ng-repeat="item in column">
            <span ng-transclude></span>

The problem with this is that I can't seem to get the transclusion to work since its being repeated inside a ngRepeat. I am guessing I need to clone the content and insert them somehow into this template manually, but I cant seem to find any good examples. I found this which kind of looks like what I want to do, just without the nested repeaters:


I am hoping there is an easier way to do this than that. Any ideas how I can accomplish this?



This is how I would do it.Keep in mind that you'll definitely need CSS to style column layout.

app.directive('columnize', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      collection: '=',
      columnCount: '='
    transclude: true,
    template: '<div><div class="column" ng-repeat="col in cols">' +
      '<div ng-repeat="item in col" ng-transclude></div>' +
    link: function( scope ) {
      var partition = function partition( size, items ) {
        if ( items.length === 0 ) { return []; }
        return ([items.slice( 0, size )]).concat( partition( size, items.slice( size )));
      var columnize = function() {
        if ( !scope.columnCount ) { return; }
        scope.cols = partition( scope.columnCount, scope.collection );
      scope.$watch('columnCount', columnize );
      scope.$watch('collection', columnize );


08-19 15:45