


    Dim cb As CheckBox = New CheckBox
    AddHandler cb, AddressOf cb_CheckChanged
    cb.Checked = True

...除了禁用控件外,如何防止分配给Checked引发CheckChanged事件?我在MFC中长大,只有在U S E R更改控件的状态时才会引发事件。 Softy在想什么?真的不可能区分用户事件和我自己的赋值语句事件吗? 赞!

...aside from disabling the control, how can I prevent the assignment to Checked from raising the CheckChanged event? I grew up in MFC and events only got raised when the U S E R changed the control's state. What was Softy was thinking? Is it really impossible to distinguish between an event from the user and an event from my own assignment statement? Yikes!


无论引发事件的原因是什么,引发事件都是完全有效的 CheckChanged 事件仅告诉您 Checked 属性何时更改。

it is perfectly valid to raise the event regardless of the thing causing the event because the CheckChanged event just tells you when the Checked property has changed.


If you are trying to avoid the infinite loop you must be experiencing try adding a conditional:

If Not cb.Checked Then
  cb.Checked = True
End If


08-19 15:22