

我试图通过编辑的Andr​​oidManifest.xml 文件来改变我的默认/​​主/启动(无论你怎么称呼它)的活动。我所做的只是改变了安卓名称属性。然而,这彻底打破了整个应用程序。当我尝试安装失败,并读

I was trying to change my default/main/startup (whatever you call it) activity by editing the androidmanifest.xml file. All i did was change the android:name property. however, this completely broke the entire app. when i try to install it fails and reads



when i tried to change it back to its previous state, it was still giving me the same error... what have i done!?!?!


你的的Andr​​oidManifest.xml 直接在 .apk文件文件?如果是这样,这是行不通的。

Did you edit the AndroidManifest.xml directly in the .apk file? If so, that won't work.

每一个Android .apk文件需要如果是将要在手机安装,即使你不通过市场安装要签名。开发工具与开发证书,但在签订 .apk文件仍签署工作全面这一点。

Every Android .apk needs to be signed if it is going to be installed on a phone, even if you're not installing through the Market. The development tools work round this by signing with a development certificate but the .apk is still signed.

一种用途是这样的设备可以告诉如果 .apk文件是已安装应用程序有效的升级,因为如果是证书是一样的。

One use of this is so a device can tell if an .apk is a valid upgrade for an installed application, since if it is the Certificates will be the same.

所以,如果你在所有进行任何更改您的应用程序,你需要重建 .apk文件所以它得到正确签名。

So if you make any changes to your app at all you'll need to rebuild the .apk so it gets signed properly.


08-19 14:27