



我正在阅读 SICP ,绑定和自由变量的主题已经出现.但是,我对此感到困惑.术语绑定变量"仅适用于形式参数的变量吗?另外,文本说过程定义绑定"了它的形式参数.这使我感到困惑,因为有人说我们将值绑定"到变量.显然,当我们谈论不同类型的变量时,该术语似乎意味着不同的含义.有人可以弄清绑定变量是什么,绑定的含义是什么?最后,与绑定变量相反,什么是自由变量?所有这些与范围有什么关系?

I'm reading SICP, and the topic of bound and free variables has come up. However, I am confused about it. Does the term "bound variables" only apply to variables that are formal parameters? In addition, the text says that a procedure definition "binds" its formal parameters. This confuses me with the fact that some people say that we "bind" a value to a variable. Obviously, the term seems to mean different things when we're talking about different types of variables. Could someone clear up what a bound variable is and what binding means? Finally, in contrast to a bound variable, what is free variable? How does all of this relate to scope?



There are only two types of variables. Global and lexical. You can actually think of global as a changeable root of the lexical scope and in that case there is only one type of variables.


A bound variable is the formal parameters of the current procedure and everything else, which either is global or bound from previous nested calls, are free variables.


(lambda (x)
  (let ((y (+ x x))) ; + is free x is bound
    (+ x y)))        ; + and x is free, y is bound


Remember let is ust syntactic sugar so it's really the same as this:

(lambda (x)
  ((lambda (y)
     (+ x y)) ; + and x is free, y is bound
   (+ x x)))  ; + is free x is bound

在内部lambda中,以y作为绑定变量的+x是自由的.在外部lambda中,绑定了x,而+是自由的. +可能是全局的.

In the inner lambda with y as bound variable + and x are free. In the outer lambda x is bound and + is free. + might be a global.


08-19 14:14