

我们有一个相当复杂的打印工作流程,其中控件是使用Adobe Reader或Adobe Acrobat为生成的PDF文档的草稿版本添加注释和注释。作为工作流程的一部分,应解析带有注释和注释的导入PDF文档,并将注释导入CMS系统(与PDF一起)。

We have a pretty complex print workflow where the controlling is adding comments and annotations for draft versions of generated PDF documents using Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat. As part of the workflow imported PDF documents with annotations and comments should be parsed and the annotations should be imported into a CMS system (together with the PDF).


Q: are there any reliable tools (preferred Python or Java) for extracting such data inclean and reliable way to PDF files?


这段代码应该可以胜任。 对于让我编写下面的代码非常有帮助。它使用poppler库来解析注释。这是的链接。

This code should do the job. One of the answers to the question Parse annotations from a pdf was very helpful in getting me to write the code below. It uses the poppler library to parse the annotations. This is a link to annotations.pdf.


import poppler, os.path

path = 'file://%s' % os.path.realpath('annotations.pdf')
doc = poppler.document_new_from_file(path, None)
pages = [doc.get_page(i) for i in range(doc.get_n_pages())]

for page_no, page in enumerate(pages):
    items = [i.annot.get_contents() for i in page.get_annot_mapping()]
    items = [i for i in items if i]
    print "page: %s comments: %s " % (page_no + 1, items)


page: 1 comments: ['This is an annotation']
page: 2 comments: [' Please note ', ' Please note ', 'This is a comment in the text']



On Ubuntu the installation as as follows.

apt-get install python-poppler


08-19 13:34