



有人可以使用 readelf 解释符号表中显示的列吗?

Could someone explain the columns shown of the symbol table using readelf?



符号表 .symtab 包含1203个条目:

Symbol table .symtab contains 1203 entries:

 Num:    Value  Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
 310: a0008120     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS _gp
 734: a0000010    32 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   77 v
 818: 9d000018   496 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   71 main
 849: a0000124     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   78 phrase
 955: a0000000     9 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   77 peppers
1020: a000023c   192 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   80 bins

  • 数字: =符号编号

  • =符号的地址

  • 大小 =符号的大小

  • Type =符号类型: Func =函数,对象文件 (源文件名), Section =内存部分, Notype =未键入绝对符号或未定义

  • Bind = GLOBAL 绑定意味着该符号在文件外部可见。 LOCAL 绑定仅在文件中可见。 就像全局符号一样,可以被覆盖。

  • Vis =符号可以是默认,受保护,隐藏或内部的。

  • Ndx =符号所在的段号。ABS表示绝对值:未调整为任何段地址的重定位

  • 名称 =符号名称

    • Num: = The symbol number
    • Value = The address of the Symbol
    • Size = The size of the symbol
    • Type = symbol type: Func = Function, Object, File (source file name), Section = memory section, Notype = untyped absolute symbol or undefined
    • Bind = GLOBAL binding means the symbol is visible outside the file. LOCAL binding is visible only in the file. WEAK is like global, the symbol can be overridden.
    • Vis = Symbols can be default, protected, hidden or internal.
    • Ndx = The section number the symbol is in. ABS means absolute: not adjusted to any section address's relocation
    • Name = symbol name
    • 这篇关于readelf显示的符号表各列的含义是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 13:13