本文介绍了这是什么意思为.swf文件是COM pressed?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我试图通过的ffmpeg转换.swf文件到.AVI,我得到了错误COM pressed SWF不支持的格式。如何做一个COM pressed瑞士法郎从uncom $ P $不同pssed swf文件?你如何指定要哪一个提出的,是它甚至有可能?你会如何​​DECOM preSS一个COM pressed瑞士法郎,哪些是你应该找?我用Google搜索了很多这些,但我没能学到很多东西从点点滴滴我发现了。

I tried converting a .swf file into .avi through ffmpeg, and I got the error 'compressed swf format not supported'. How does a compressed .swf differ from an uncompressed .swf file? How do you specify which one you want to make, and is it even possible to? How would you decompress a compressed .swf and what should you expect to find? I googled a lot of these but I didn't manage to learn much from the bits and pieces I found.


FFmpeg的检查为上午嵌入式FLV动画文件SWF文件,并​​撕裂出来,并将其转换。然而,大多数主权财富基金不只是一个简单的嵌入式视频文件,包括各种非视频元素,包括精灵,动漫code,层等FFmpeg的是一个视频反$ C $铬,根本没有办法来解析通过所有输出的视频文件:的http://论坛.videohelp.com /线程/ 296449灿的ffmpeg-转换,SWF到FLV

FFMpeg examines the swf file for am embedded FLV movie file and rips it out and converts it. However most swfs are not just a simple embedded video file and contain all sorts of non-video elements including sprites, animation code, layers, etc. FFMpeg is a video transcoder and simply has no way to parse through all that to output a video file: http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/296449-can-ffmpeg-convert-SWF-to-FLV


What could probably work a lot better is a application designed to playback the swf file, and record the outputted frames as it is being recorded, or to use any of the 100's of apps out there for converting swf's to video.

硕思通常会使有关伟大的产品来处理SWF格式: http://www.sothink.com /产品/ swftovideoconverter /

SoThink generally makes great products in relation to handling swf formats: http://www.sothink.com/product/swftovideoconverter/

这篇关于这是什么意思为.swf文件是COM pressed?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 13:09