验证所有世界的邮政编码硬;一个固定的国家名单过于政治敏感;强制性的州/地区/其他行政区划只是明显不适当(我常常问我住在哪个县 - 当我不,因为大伦敦不是一个县)。
例外,如果你正在做一些自然限制到一个国家的东西。在这种情况下,您应该要求{postcode,house number}对,这足以识别邮政地址。我想你可以用美国的扩展邮政编码实现类似的东西。
What is the "best" way to store international addresses in a database? Answer in the form of a schema and an explanation of the reasons why you chose to normalize (or not) the way you did. Also explain why you chose the type and length of each field.
Note: You decide what fields you think are necessary.
Plain freeform text.
Validating all the world's post/zip codes is too hard; a fixed list of countries is too politically sensitive; mandatory state/region/other administrative subdivision is just plain inappropriate (all too often I'm asked which county I live in--when I don't, because Greater London is not a county at all).
More to the point, it's simply unnecessary. Your application is highly unlikely to be modelling addresses in any serious way. If you want a postal address, ask for the postal address. Most people aren't so stupid as to put in something other than a postal address, and if they do, they can kiss their newly purchased item bye-bye.
The exception to this is if you're doing something that's naturally constrained to one country anyway. In this situation, you should ask for, say, the { postcode, house number } pair, which is enough to identify a postal address. I imagine you could achieve similar things with the extended zip code in the US.