


I am using a coordinate system x (width), y (height), z (Depth)

只是为了澄清混乱是否有任意x&安培; y是一个平面,我使用ž高程。

Just to clear confusion if there is any x & y are a flat plane and I am using Z as elevation.


I am going to be accessing the array millions of times per second and benchmarking shows that a 1D array using index is faster and I would like to squeeze as much efficiency as possible so that other things can use that time

例如二维数组 - >一维数组创建只是

For example a 2D array --> 1D array creation is just

Object[] oneDArray = new Object[width * height]


and to index the array I can just use the following.

Object obj = oneDArray[x + y * width]


I did find the following on stackoverflow but I am not entirely sure which one is correctHow to "flatten" or "index" 3D-array in 1D array?


The "Correct" answer says to index the array do the following

Object[] oneDArray = new Object[width * height * depth]
Object obj = oneDArray[x + WIDTH * (y + DEPTH * z)]


But then another answer says that the "Correct" answer is wrong and uses the following

Object[] oneDArray = new Object[width * height * depth]
Object obj = oneDArray[x + HEIGHT* (y + WIDTH* z)]


What is the correct way to read a flattened 3D array?



This depends on that how you want to order your 3D data in 1D array,if you wanted to have indexes in order: Z, Y, X then your 2x2x2 dimensioned 3D data will be stored like this:

index 0: [z=0,y=0,x=0]
index 1: [z=0,y=0,x=1]
index 2: [z=0,y=1,x=0]
index 3: [z=0,y=1,x=1]
index 4: [z=1,y=0,x=0]
index 5: [z=1,y=0,x=1]
index 6: [z=1,y=1,x=0]
index 7: [z=1,y=1,x=1]

深度尺寸对应于以Z ,高度和宽度 X

该指数的计算将是:指数=高*宽* Z +宽* Y + X


The x is not multiplied by anything because the next x index is right after the previous one.

如果你想跳过一个Y列,你必须增加整个行宽,在这种情况下2,例如,如果你是在索引1,其中有Z = 0,Y = 0和x = 1,你添加WIDTH = 2索引,你会得到指数3.只有Y尺寸增加了1。

If you want to skip one Y row, you have to add whole row WIDTH, in this case 2, for example if you are at index 1, which has z=0,y=0 and x=1 and you add WIDTH=2 to index, you'll get index 3. Only y dimension has increased by 1.

从ž移动= 0到z = 1,你要跳过4个指标(抬头看指数上市),数量为高*宽(在本例中2 * 2)。

To move from z=0 to z=1, you have to skip 4 indexes (look up at the index listing), the number is HEIGHT*WIDTH (in this example 2*2).



To gain speed its best to process your 3D data with z,y,x coordinates incrementing in a sequence so you don't have to recalculate the index so often. For example:

int z = 1, y=1, x=0;
int index = HEIGHT*WIDTH*z + WIDTH*y;
int data;

    Object obj = oneDArray[index+x];

在理想的情况下,所有处理的数据是相互独立的,你不必即使计算指数,只是增加一个索引槽全 oneDArray 。什么是可能的,以precompute取决于您的使用。

In ideal case, all processing of data is independent from each other and you don't have to even calculate the index, just increment one index trough whole oneDArray. What's possible to precompute depends on your usage.


08-19 12:56