


Is there a way to remove blank pages appearing between two chapters, in Appendix?



Your problem is that all chapters, whether they're in the appendix or not, default to starting on an odd-numbered page when you're in two-sided layout mode. A few possible solutions:

最简单的解决方案是对文档类使用 openany 选项,这使各章从下一页开始,而不管它是奇数页还是偶数页.标准书籍文档类(例如 \ documentclass [openany] {book} )对此提供支持.( 备忘录 也支持使用这是一个声明 \ openany ,可在文档中间使用,以更改后续页面的行为.)

The simplest solution is to use the openany option to your document class, which makes chapters start on the next page, irrespective of whether it's an odd or even numbered page. This is supported in the standard book documentclass, eg \documentclass[openany]{book}. (memoir also supports using this as a declaration \openany which can be used in the middle of a document to change the behavior for subsequent pages.)

另一种选择是在附录之前尝试使用 \ let \ cleardoublepage \ clearpage 命令以避免该行为.

Another option is to try the \let\cleardoublepage\clearpage command before your appendices to avoid the behavior.

或者,如果您不在意使用双面布局,请在 documentclass 中使用选项 oneside (例如, \ documentclass [oneside] {书} )将切换为单面布局.

Or, if you don't care using a two-sided layout, using the option oneside to your documentclass (eg \documentclass[oneside]{book}) will switch to using a one-sided layout.


08-30 23:11