

本文介绍了如何在Excel VBA中为矩阵单元格使用嵌套循环的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



filteredStartRow = A2detailsS​​tartRow = D2

filteredStartRow = A2detailsStartRow = D2

※i = x(获取filteredItemCount的值,例如:2、3、2)
※j = y(获取detailsItemCount的值,例如:4、5、3)

※i = x(get value for filteredItemCount, e.g: 2, 3, 2)
※j = y(get value for detailsItemCount, e.g: 4, 5, 3)


I am stuck, how efficiently I can move to second filteredStartRow (A4) and detailsStartRow (D10). and continue until the last filter and details StartRow.

我在做什么:获取ItemCount(例如:x,y)以在过滤器和详细信息项目中运行嵌套循环.由于我已经知道过滤器和详细信息的下一项计数,因此我只需要更改我的NEXT filterStartRow和detailsS​​tartRow.如何使用(i,j)的任何动态设置以及设置STARTROW来构建我的Loop?谁能帮忙提供代码.

What I am doing:Get ItemCount (e.g: x, y) to run the nested loop within filter and details item.Since I already know the next item count for filter and details, so I just need to change my NEXT filterStartRow and detailsStartRow.How can construct my Loop using any dynamic settings for (i, j) as well as setting up STARTROW?Can anyone please help with code.


Here is my code, which only works for the very first loop (green bordered).

startRow = 2
startRow1 = 2
nextDetailsRow = 0

For i = 1 To noOfFilteredItem (e.g:3)

mapFilteredItemCount = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(startRow, 3).Value
detailsItemCount = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(startRow1, 6).Value

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
For m = 1 To mapFilteredItemCount
For n = 1 To detailsItemCount
If .Cells((startRow + m) - 1, 2) = .Cells((startRow1 + n) - 1, 5) Then
If IsEmpty(.Cells((startRow1 + n) - 1, 8).Value) = True Then
.Cells((startRow1 + n) - 1, 8).Value = "Deliver"
nextDetailsRow = nextDetailsRow + startRow + n
GoTo NextIteration
End If
End If

Next n
Next m
End With
Next i


My Problem is:
- I need to update the STARTROW and STARTROW1 dynamically once a loop (m, n) is completed.
- How can I assign STARTROW and STARTROW1 variable to receive next starting row value.

filteredItemRowArray()= 2,4,7(※已过滤项目的开始行号)
detailsItemRowArray()= 2、6、11(※开始显示详细信息的行号)

My Logic:
- I was thinking to keep all the STARTROW and STARTROW1 number into an array, then get value from the array.
for example:
filteredItemRowArray() = 2, 4, 7 (※starting row numbers for filtered item)
detailsItemRowArray() = 2, 6, 11 (※starting row numbers for details item)


but I could not arrange this array to keep row number values.


Could anyone please help me, I truly appreciate your programming SMARTNESS.If you have any questions, or understanding problem, please let me know.Thank you very much.



I would try the same idea. Looping through an array with the numbers. Please try the following code:

Sub Outer_Loop()
Dim StartrowArr, Startrow1Arr, I As Integer
Dim Startrow As Long, Startrow1 As Long
StartrowArr = Array(2, 4, 7)
Startrow1Arr = Array(2, 6, 11)
For I = LBound(StartrowArr) To UBound(StartrowArr)
    Startrow = StartrowArr(I)
    Startrow1 = Startrow1Arr(I)
    Debug.Print "Loop " & I, "Startrow: " & Startrow, "Startrow1: " & Startrow1
    ' your code
Next I
End Sub

这篇关于如何在Excel VBA中为矩阵单元格使用嵌套循环的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 12:43