


For a group project I am trying to create a template engine for PHP for the people less experienced with the language can use tags like {name} in their HTML and the PHP will replace that tag with a predefined variable from an array. As well as supporting loops.


This is well beyond the expectations of the project, but as I have experience with PHP I thought it would be a good challenge to keep me busy!


My main questions are, how do I do the loop part of the parser and is this the best way to implement such a system. Before you just recommend an existing template system, I would prefer to create it myself for experience and because everything in our project has to be our own.

目前,使用regex和preg_replace_callback完成基本解析时,它会检查$ data [name]是否存在,并替换它.

At the moment the basic parsing is done with regex and preg_replace_callback, it checks if $data[name] exists and if it does replaces it.


I have tried to do the loop a variety of different ways but am not sure if I am on the correct track!


An example if the data the parsing engine was given is:

    [title] => The Title
    [subtitle] => Subtitle
    [footer] => Foot
    [people] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [name] => Steve
                    [surname] => Johnson

            [1] => Array
                    [name] => James
                    [surname] => Johnson

            [2] => Array
                    [name] => josh
                    [surname] => Smith


    [page] => Home


And the page it was parsing was something like:

<b>{name}</b> {surname}<br />
<br /><br />


It would produce something similar to:

<title>The Title</title>
<b>Steve</b> Johnson<br />
<b>James</b> Johnson<br />
<b>Josh</b> Smith<br />
<br /><br />


Your time is incredibly appreciated with this!



P.s. I completely disagree that because I am looking to create something similar to what already exists for experience, my well formatted and easy to understand question gets down voted.


P.p.s It seems there is a massive spread of opinions for this topic, please don't down vote people because they have a different opinion to you. Everyone is entitled to their own!



A simple approach is to convert the template into PHP and run it.

$template = preg_replace('~\{(\w+)\}~', '<?php $this->showVariable(\'$1\'); ?>', $template);
$template = preg_replace('~\{LOOP:(\w+)\}~', '<?php foreach ($this->data[\'$1\'] as $ELEMENT): $this->wrap($ELEMENT); ?>', $template);
$template = preg_replace('~\{ENDLOOP:(\w+)\}~', '<?php $this->unwrap(); endforeach; ?>', $template);


For example, this converts the template tags to embedded PHP tags.


You'll see that I made references to $this->showVariable(), $this->data, $this->wrap() and $this->unwrap(). That's what I'm going to implement.


The showVariable function shows the variable's content. wrap and unwrap is called on each iteration to provide closure.


class TemplateEngine {
    function showVariable($name) {
        if (isset($this->data[$name])) {
            echo $this->data[$name];
        } else {
            echo '{' . $name . '}';
    function wrap($element) {
        $this->stack[] = $this->data;
        foreach ($element as $k => $v) {
            $this->data[$k] = $v;
    function unwrap() {
        $this->data = array_pop($this->stack);
    function run() {
        ob_start ();
        eval (func_get_arg(0));
        return ob_get_clean();
    function process($template, $data) {
        $this->data = $data;
        $this->stack = array();
        $template = str_replace('<', '<?php echo \'<\'; ?>', $template);
        $template = preg_replace('~\{(\w+)\}~', '<?php $this->showVariable(\'$1\'); ?>', $template);
        $template = preg_replace('~\{LOOP:(\w+)\}~', '<?php foreach ($this->data[\'$1\'] as $ELEMENT): $this->wrap($ELEMENT); ?>', $template);
        $template = preg_replace('~\{ENDLOOP:(\w+)\}~', '<?php $this->unwrap(); endforeach; ?>', $template);
        $template = '?>' . $template;
        return $this->run($template);


In wrap() and unwrap() function, I use a stack to keep track of current state of variables. Precisely, wrap($ELEMENT) saves the current data to the stack, and then add the variables inside $ELEMENT into current data, and unwrap() restores the data from the stack back.

为了提高安全性,我添加了以下额外内容以用PHP echos替换<:

For extra security, I added this extra bit to replace < with PHP echos:

$template = str_replace('<', '<?php echo \'<\'; ?>', $template);

基本上是为了防止直接注入<?<%<script language="php">的任何PHP代码.

Basically to prevent any kind of injecting PHP codes directly, either <?, <%, or <script language="php">.


$engine = new TemplateEngine();
echo $engine->process($template, $data);


This isn't the best method, but it is one way it could be done.


08-19 12:42