我需要这个,因为我在向项目添加sqlite插件并为windows 10平台编译时遇到问题。根据研究,这是一个
I need this because I am trying to problem in adding sqlite plugin to the project and compile for windows 10 platform. And according to research this is a bug in Cordova-windows 4.4.3 that was resolved to version 5.0.0.
更多应用命令 ionic platform add windows
More by applying the command ionic platform add windows
to add the windows platform the added platform is the 4.4.3:
> ...
> Windows project created with [email protected]
> ...
那我该如何制作版本用于创建 Windows平台的项目?
So how could I make version [email protected]
used to create the project for the windows platform?
Indeed, add this line to config.xml:
<engine name="windows" spec="5.0.0" />
also you might want to specify the target version, for instance:
<preference name="windows-target-version" value="10.0" />
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