


What would be the simplest way to build a server that receives incoming connections via a websocket, and streams the data flowing in that socket out to n subscribers on other websockets. Think for example of a streaming application, where one person is broadcasting to n consumers.

忽略身份验证之类的东西,构建可以实现此目的的服务器的最简单方法是什么?我对当大块数据到达服务器时会发生什么感到困惑.它将进入内存中的缓冲区,然后如何将其分配给等待它的n使用者?某种循环缓冲区? websockets是否适合此协议?谢谢.

Neglecting things like authentication, what would be the simplest way to build a server that can achieve this? I'm a little confused about what would happen when a chunk of data hits the server. It would go into a buffer in memory, then how would it be distributed to the n consumers waiting for it? Some sort of circular buffer? Are websockets an appropriate protocol for this? Thanks.


这里是使用Ruby Plezi框架(我是作者,所以有偏见):

Here's one using the Ruby Plezi framework (I'm the author, so I'm biased):

require 'plezi'

class Client
   # Plezi recognizes websocket handlers by the presence of the
   # `on_message` callback.
   def on_message data
   # this will be out event.
   def publish data
      write data

class Streamer
   def on_message data
      Client.broadcast :publish, data

# the streamer will connect to the /streamer path
route '/streamer', Streamer

# the client will connect to the /streamer path
route '/', Client

# on irb, we start the server by exiting the `irb` terminal


You can test it with the Ruby terminal (irb) - it's that simple.

我使用了带有两个浏览器窗口的 Websocket.org回声测试来测试连接,其中一个流"和其他监听.

I tested the connections using the Websocket.org echo test with two browser windows, one "streaming" and the other listening.

  • 使用ws://localhost:3000/streamer进行流媒体websocket连接

  • use ws://localhost:3000/streamer for the streamer websocket connection


use ws://localhost:3000/ for the client's connection.


The magic happens in the IO core, which I placed in a separate Ruby gem (Ruby libraries are referred to as 'gems') called Iodine.


Iodine leverages Ruby's Object Oriented approach (in Ruby, everything is an object) to handle broadcasting.

一个很好的切入点,用于挖掘那段代码在这里.遇到方法each时,请注意它是从核心协议,并使用从 IO地图.

A good entry point for digging through that piece of the code is here. When you encounter the method each, note that it's inherited from the core Protocol and uses an Array derived from the IO map.


Iodine's websocket implementation iterates through the array of IO handlers (the value half of a key=>value map), and if the IO handler is a Websocket it will "broadcast" the message to that IO handler by invoking the on_broadcst callback. The callback is invoked asynchronously and it locks the IO handler while being executed, to avoid conflicts.

Plezi 利用碘的broadcast方法并使用相同的概念,因此 on_broadcast回调将过滤掉不相关的消息.

Plezi leverages Iodine's broadcast method and uses the same concept so that the on_broadcast callback will filter out irrelevant messages.


Unicasting works a little bit differently, for performance reasons, but it's mostly similar.

我很抱歉在我的代码中使用了很多速记...我猜是在使用Ruby之前的习惯.我经常使用condition ? when_true : when_false速记,并且倾向于将内容压缩成一行...但是它应该可读性强.

I'm sorry for using a lot of shorthand in my code... pre-Ruby habits I guess. I use the condition ? when_true : when_false shorthand a lot and tend to squish stuff into single lines... but it should be mostly readable.



09-02 17:49