


I have an entity called a Meter (Think an electric meter).


The meter has a collection of Data Points. Every 15 minutes or so a new data point is added to the meter. The meter has a collection of these data points.

我想code这件事,如仪表myMeter = session.get<仪表>(ID)然后 myMeter。 AddDataPoint(点)然后 session.Update(myMeter)。内部仪表类有一个集合( IESI.ISet<数据点> )。但是加入到这个集合的时候我在想,NHibernate的是要首先要初始化集合,并从数据库中加载它。这个问题是存在的将是项目数十万在此集合,它只是不会是高性能。那么,是否可以code这件事让NHiberante会盲目添加到集合中,而无需加载所有的价值。

I would like to code this up such as Meter myMeter = session.get<Meter>(id) and then myMeter.AddDataPoint(point) then session.Update(myMeter). Internally the Meter class has a collection (IESI.ISet<DataPoint>). However when adding to this collection I am thinking that NHibernate is going to first have to initialize the collection and load it from the database. The problem is there are going to be hundreds of thousands of items in this collection and it just won't be performant. So is it possible to code this up so that NHiberante will blindly add to the collection, without loading all of its values.


The DataPoint class has a many-to-one mapping to the Meter, and the Meter has a set mapping of DataPoints.



1)You can remove set mapping from Meter class. This way you will never be hit with accidentally loading thousands data points. Later when you need to know all DataPoints for Meter you can load it dynamically. Looks like you will need subset of data points most of the time (data points for Meter X for August).

List<DataPoint> dp = DataPointsRepository.FindByMeter(Meter meter)
List<DataPoint> dp = DataPointsRepository.FindByMeter(Meter meter, DateRange range)


DataPoint will still need many-to-one relationship to meter in order to be properly associated and saved.

2)你可以尝试使用'袋',而不是'设置',但要小心,不要叫像obj.MyBag.Size方法()相关的问题:Hibernate - 如何坚持一个集合一个新的项目,而无需加载整个Collection

2) You can try to use 'bag' instead of 'set' but be careful to not call methods like obj.MyBag.Size()Related question:Hibernate - How to persist a new item in a Collection without loading the entire Collection


08-19 12:00