

public void ReserveRoom(List<reservationtype> reservation)
           List<reservationtype> RequestReservation = new List<reservationtype>();

           RequestReservation = reservation;   //List that contains the test cases.

           string reservationid = "0001";
           int number = int.Parse(reservationid);

           int count = 0;

           foreach (ReservationType requestReservation in RequestReservation)
               List<string> DateList = CreateDateList(requestReservation.StartDate, requestReservation.numDays);

               foreach (Inventory inventory in RoomInventory)
                  if (requestReservation.hotelId.Equals (inventory.HotelId))

                     if (requestReservation.roomType == inventory.RoomType)

                              for (int i = 0; i < DateList.Count; i++)
                       if (DateList[i].Equals(inventory.Date) && inventory.Quantity > 0)


                                   if (requestReservation.numDays == count)
                                       for (int j = 0; j < DateList.Count; j++)
                                          if (DateList[j].Equals(inventory.Date))



                                       requestReservation.reservationId = "000" + (number + 1).ToString();
                                       requestReservation.result = ReservationType.ReservationResultType.Success;
                                       count = 0;

                                       foreach (Hotels h in LHotels)
                                           foreach (Room rm in h.RoomList)
                                               if (requestReservation.hotelId == h.HotelId && requestReservation.roomType == rm.RoomType)
                                                   requestReservation.cost = (requestReservation.numDays * rm.Rate);

                                   } // end of if num == counts
                                   else {
                                       requestReservation.reservationId = null;
                                       requestReservation.result = ReservationType.ReservationResultType.RoomNotAvailable;
                                       count = 0;

                               } //end of if

                           }//end of forloop

                       }//end of if statement (Roomtypes)

                   }//end of If statement( inventory.hotelID)

               } // end of foreach inventory
           }// end of Foreach

           serial = new XmlSerializer(RequestReservation.GetType());
           sw = new StreamWriter(ReservationFilename);
           serial.Serialize(sw, RequestReservation);

       }// End of ReserveRoom Method


1)条件成立后,我做了forloop遍历每个变量,其中datelist [i] == inventory.date并从中扣除1。


What I have tried:

1)after the condition was true, i did forloop to go through each variables where datelist[i] == inventory.date and deduct 1 from it.

2) without the for loop, after condition was true, deduct 1 , but did not change at all.


var current;
const min = 0;
const max = 255;
var b = true;

    if (b == true) {
        current += 1;
        if (current >= max) {
            b = false;
    else {
        current = current - 1;
        if (current <= min) {
            b = true;


08-29 06:40