



const QPointF points[] =
    QPointF(r.left() - i, r.top() - i),
    QPointF(r.right() + i, r.top() - i),
    QPointF(r.right() + i, r.bottom() + i),
    QPointF(r.left() - i, r.bottom() + i),
    points[0] // is this line valid (according to the C++ standard)?

虽然使用 MS Visual Studio 编译器进行编译,但根据 C++ 标准,我不确定这是否是有效代码.

While this compiles with the MS Visual Studio Compiler, i am not sure if this is valid code according to the C++ Standard.




= 的右侧,points 确实存在 但初始化器仅在其所有操作数都已被应用评价.

On the right-hand side of the =, points does exist but the initialiser is only applied after all its operands have been evaluated.

  • 如果 points 在命名空间范围内(因此具有静态存储持续时间并且已被零初始化),那么这是安全的",但您的使用 points[0] 将会给你 0,而不是 QPointF(r.left() - i, r.top() - i) 再次.

  • If points is at namespace scope (and thus has static storage duration and has been zero-initialized), then this is "safe" but your use of points[0] there is going to give you 0, rather than QPointF(r.left() - i, r.top() - i) again.

如果 points 有自动存储时间 —它尚未初始化,因此您对 points[0] 的使用试图使用未初始化的变量,其中 points[0] 具有不确定的值......这是坏.

If points has automatic storage duration — it has not yet been initialised so your use of points[0] is attempting to use an uninitialised variable, where points[0] has an indeterminate value... which is bad.


It's difficult to provide standard references for this, other than to say that there is nothing in 8.5 "Initializers" that explicitly makes this possible, and rules elsewhere fill in the rest.

[n3290: 3.3.2/1]: 名称的声明点紧跟在其完整的声明符之后(条款8) 以及在其初始化程序(如果有)之前,除非以下说明.[ 示例:

int x = 12;
{ int x = x; }

这里第二个 x 用它自己的 (不确定) 值初始化.——结束示例 ]

Here the second x is initialized with its own (indeterminate) value. —end example ]

[n3290: 3.6.2/2]: 静态存储持续时间(3.7.1)或线程存储持续时间(3.7.2)的变量应为零-初始化(8.5)在任何其他初始化发生之前.[..]

[n3290: 3.6.2/2]: Variables with static storage duration (3.7.1) or thread storage duration (3.7.2) shall be zero-initialized (8.5) before any other initialization takes place. [..]

[n3290:]: [..] [ 注意: 操作涉及不确定的值可能会导致未定义的行为.—结束注释 ]

[n3290:]: [..] [ Note: Operations involving indeterminate values may cause undefined behavior. —end note ]


08-19 11:56