

我最近遇到了一种情况,我想使用<h:inputHidden="#{v.index}/>ui:repeat varStatus="v"设置索引值.如果尝试此操作,并使用AJAX execute组件,则会出现该属性不可写的异常.环顾四周时,我发现inputHidden支持readonly="true"属性,该属性可以使错误消失.

I have recently encountered a case where I wanted to set the index value from ui:repeat varStatus="v" using <h:inputHidden="#{v.index}/>. If you try this and execute the component using AJAX you will get an exception that the property is not writeable. While looking around I found that inputHidden supports a readonly="true" attribute that does just that making the error go away.

有没有为什么不在文档中的原因? (即特殊,直通,其他)使用安全吗?

Is there a reason why this is not in documentation? (i.e. special, passthrough, other)Is it safe to use?


进行一些挖掘后 Core JavaServer Faces 3e 要这样说:

After doing some digging Core JavaServer Faces 3e had this to say :


So, the reason why readonly is not in the docs for inputHidden and also why it's not being rendered in your HTML is because inputHidden does not support it. This was also confirmed by Netbeans when I tried to add readonly as an attribute to inputHidden'(red squiggly lines with an error message). I was able to get that exception when I submitted a form with no setter defined for my bean property that was placed in inputHidden. Since inputHidden calls the setter when a form is submitted (for my case) and since none is defined in my code, it will of course throw that exception, namely:

javax.el.PropertyNotWritableException: /index.xhtml @14,56 value="#{bean.x}": The class 'Bean' does not have a writable property 'x'. 

至于为什么当您这样做时它仍然有效,我不知道.由于您担心安全性,因此建议您按照BalusC的说明进行操作,并只需使用<input type="hidden">或为该属性定义setter即可.不要那样用.

As for why it works when you do that I have no idea. Since you're worried about safety, I would suggest you do as BalusC says and simply use <input type="hidden"> or you define a setter for that property. Don't use it like that.


10-12 06:53