




I want to have text that has underscores in it.


It's not code and so I don't want to use code format.


I want to stop markdown treating it as an instruction to italicize it.

我可以逃脱_each_underscore(见!)与 \ 一起使用,但我总共有20个人,从源头上看这很丑陋,难以维护且不太干燥。

I can escape _each_underscore (see!) with \ but I have a total of 20 and that looks ugly in the source, hard to maintain and not very DRY.



某些Markdown实现–特别是Stack Overflow的服务器端C#版本(其中)和客户端JavaScript版本,例如–出于您所描述的原因而偏离了Markdown规范。

Some Markdown implementations – in particular Stack Overflow's server-side C# version MarkdownSharp (where it's optional behavior) and client-side JavaScript version PageDown, but also e.g. GitHub's flavor – have deviated from the Markdown spec for the very reason you describe.

有关Stack Overflow的历史记录,请参见两篇博客文章和。

For some history on this as far as Stack Overflow goes, see the two blog posts Three Markdown Gotchas and Markdown, One Year Later.


Since this is a commonly uttered criticism of Markdown, there are probably more implementations that either make this behavior user-settable, or just go with the stricter version altogether. So it depends on what implementation you're using.

如果您使用的是基于John Gruber原始Perl实现的端口(即大量的regex替换 版本),您应该可以轻松进行此更改。相关函数可能称为 _DoItalicsAndBold (原始Perl版本,Showdown / PageDown), DoItalicsAndBold (MarkdownSharp), _do_italics_and_bold (python-markdown2)或类似版本。

If you're using a port that is based on John Gruber's original Perl implementation (i.e. the "tons of regex replacements" version), it should be fairly easy to make this change yourself. The relevant function is likely called _DoItalicsAndBold (original Perl version, Showdown/PageDown), DoItalicsAndBold (MarkdownSharp), _do_italics_and_bold (python-markdown2) or similar.


Look at our PageDown version of that function for the stricter regular expressions that are used here on Stack Overflow:

function _DoItalicsAndBold(text) {

    // <strong> must go first:
    text = text.replace(/([\W_]|^)(\*\*|__)(?=\S)([^\r]*?\S[\*_]*)\2([\W_]|$)/g,

    text = text.replace(/([\W_]|^)(\*|_)(?=\S)([^\r\*_]*?\S)\2([\W_]|$)/g,

    return text;


08-19 11:42