



我想像在Visual Studio中一样,使用 + + 使用命令来格式化HTML.是否可以在 Atom 中使用?如果没有,还有其他选择吗?

I would like to format my HTML with a command, as I do in Visual Studio, using ++. Is this possible in Atom? If not, are there other options?


Atom没有用于格式化html的内置命令.但是,您可以安装 atom-beautify 程序包.

Atom does not have a built-in command for formatting html. However, you can install the atom-beautify package to get this behavior.

  1. 按 + + 调出命令选项板( + + (在Mac上).
  2. 键入安装软件包以启动软件包管理器.
  3. 在搜索框中输入美化.
  4. 选择 atom-beautify 或其他软件包之一,然后单击安装.
  5. 现在您可以使用默认键绑定来实现原子美化 + + 来美化HTML( + + (在Mac上).
  1. Press + + to bring up the command palette ( + + on a Mac).
  2. Type Install Packages to bring up the package manager.
  3. Type beautify into the search box.
  4. Choose atom-beautify or one of the other packages and click Install.
  5. Now you can use the default keybinding for atom-beautify + + to beautify your HTML ( + + on a Mac).


08-19 11:41