OrderPendingList中的问题可能导致持久子重新连接后无法传递邮件. 解决方案所以我很早以前就更新到ActiveMQ 5.7.0,此后就再也没有此错误.所以我想说我的问题是由于这里的错误所致: 在与未经确认的连接重新连接后,持久子项的pendingQueueSize的报告不正确 OrderPendingList中的问题可能导致在持久子重新连接后无法传递邮件. I have a strange problem with ActiveMQ. I have a queue that seems to have a pending message, but when I open the queue, there is no message.What is wrong here? Is there really a message pending? How can I bring the message back or at least see the content?Screenshot of the pending message:Screenshot when opening the queue, which is empty:EDIT:Just found these two bugs of ActiveMQ 5.6.0. Can this be the source of that problem?Incorrect reporting of pendingQueueSize of durable subs after reconnect with unackedProblem in OrderPendingList can lead to message not being deliver after durable sub reconnect. 解决方案 So I updated to ActiveMQ 5.7.0 quite some time ago and didn't had this bug anymore since. So I'd say my problem was due to these bugs here:Incorrect reporting of pendingQueueSize of durable subs after reconnect with unackedProblem in OrderPendingList can lead to message not being deliver after durable sub reconnect. 这篇关于ActiveMQ:一条待处理消息,但队列为空的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-19 11:36