



我有一个笨拙的组件,可以从weatherAPI传递道具.我希望能够根据从API发送回的内容来动态更改SVG图像.我已经安装了一个npm模块react-svg: https://github.com/atomic-app/react-svg .这具有svg-injector的依赖项: https://www.npmjs.com/package/svg -injector 我也已经安装了.现在,我已导入react-svg-> import ReactSVG from 'react-svg';.然后,我在哑巴组件内部实现了它:

I have a dumb component that gets passed down props from a weatherAPI. I want to be able to dynamically change the SVG image depending on what gets sent back from the API. I have installed an npm module react-svg: https://github.com/atomic-app/react-svg. This has a dependency of svg-injector: https://www.npmjs.com/package/svg-injector which I have also installed. Now, I have imported react-svg -> import ReactSVG from 'react-svg';. I then implemented it with inside my dumb component:

const WeatherReport = ({report}) => {
return (
    <div style={styles.body} className="row">
        <div style={styles.weatherBoxContainer}>
            <div className="col-sm-2 col-md-offset-1" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherCard}>
                <div style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherReport}>
                    <ReactSVG path={'RELATIVE TO DOCUMENT ROOT I'M SERVING FROM'} callback={(svg) => console.log(svg)} />
                    <div className="row" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.temps}>
                        <div className="col-sm-4" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.tempMinMax}>
                        <div className="col-sm-8" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.currentTemp}>
            <div className="col-sm-2" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherCard}>
                <div style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherReport}>
                    <div className="row" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.temps}>
                        <div className="col-sm-4" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.tempMinMax}>
                        <div className="col-sm-8" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.currentTemp}>
            <div className="col-sm-2" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherCard}>
                <div style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherReport}>
                    <div className="row" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.temps}>
                        <div className="col-sm-4" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.tempMinMax}>
                        <div className="col-sm-8" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.currentTemp}>
            <div className="col-sm-2" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherCard}>
                <div style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherReport}>
                    <div className="row" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.temps}>
                        <div className="col-sm-4" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.tempMinMax}>
                        <div className="col-sm-8" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.currentTemp}>
            <div className="col-sm-2" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherCard}>
                <div style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.weatherReport}>
                    <div className="row" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.temps}>
                        <div className="col-sm-4" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.tempMinMax}>
                        <div className="col-sm-8" style={styles.weatherBoxContainer.currentTemp}>

WeatherReport.propTypes = {
report: PropTypes.object

export default WeatherReport;


Now, ReactSVG's path needs to be relative to the document root you're serving from NOT relative to the js file that contains ReactSVG. Simple enough right? However, I am using babel and everything is being served as JS, into one file. I am quite new to webpack, babel, react and redux for that matter... Any suggestions on how I am suppose to hit the path to my svg when everything is being compiled into one file?



Assuming the output from your build step in webpack is into a /dist/ folder off your root (for example) you would also want to have a build step to copy any other external files in that folder such as your svg file.

|- bundle.js
|- myart.svg


Then in your file you can reference the svg simply as

<ReactSVG path="myart.svg" />


08-19 11:06